Grade 5/6

Term 2 Overview

Important Dates:

Tuesday 10th May- 16th May - NAPLAN

Tuesday 17th May - District Cross Country

Monday 23rd May - Friday 27th May - Education Week

Wednesday 25th - Open Night

Monday 13th June - Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Tuesday 14th June - Curriculum Day

Friday 24th June - Last Day of Term 2


Welcome back to Term 2. We hope you all had a relaxing Easter break. 

This term whilst a bit shorter is jam packed with lots of fun in Grade 5/6.



This term in Reading, we will be focusing on making inferences and predictions from texts and visual images. Inferential comprehension is an extremely important skill to utilise while reading. The text students will be focusing on this term is Escape From Mr Lemoncello’s library. The students are excited to begin the book. Similarly to Blueback last term, students will summarise each chapter in their own words and complete comprehension tasks. 



This term in Mathematics we are focusing on strategies to solve multiplication, division and all four operations questions and worded problems. Students will be exposed to a range of ways to problem solve and progress from 1 x 2 digit numbers through to 3 x 3 digit numbers. Students will discover different ways to represent data and make comparisons between sets of data. Later in Term 2 we will have a focus on statistics where we investigate chance experiments and be able to list and communicate probabilities of events occurring. 



It’s going to be an Electrifying term!! Electricity is one of our units for Term 2. 

Our Inquiry unit is all about energy and electricity. We look at energy from a variety of sources that can be used to generate electricity, electric circuits that enable energy to be transferred to another place and then transformed into another form of energy. This is a really fun, hands on unit and we can’t wait to get started. Our other unit is ANZAC Federation. We have started to look at how Australia became a nation, the significance of the national anthem, important people and how it has led to where we are today. 



In Grade 5/6, students will continue with Mathletics, a reading choice board activity and reading log. The students will hand in their diaries (signed by a parent/guardian) with their reading log and reading activity on a Tuesday morning. The teachers will endeavour to mark and return this by the end of the day ready for the next week of homework and continue to monitor their Mathletics. 



  • Please keep an eye out this term for Camp Information Night ahead of camp in Term 3. 
  • NAPLAN - Please start/continue to have conversations with your child around NAPLAN in Weeks 3 and 4. For each NAPLAN assessment students are allocated 40 minutes to complete NAPLAN. We are encouraging the students to maintain their focus in this time, to embrace it and take their time to try their best. If you have any questions or your child is not participating in NAPLAN please contact the classroom teacher or Brooke Eastwood -
  • Interschool Sports - Term 2. We are looking forward to another term of Interschool Sport. We compete on a Thursday afternoon from 1pm-3pm. We are always looking for supporting with umpiring, scoring etc. Please come along and support the students. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Meredith Thornton -


We are excited for what is ahead for Term 2.


Alysha Buzzini -

Brooke Eastwood -

Stuart Jones -