Exam Information

Year 9/10 and 11 Examinations

 The purpose of having exams is:

  • To provide a framework for students to demonstrate evidence of learning (knowledge and skills) learnt over an extended period of time, i.e., a semester or Unit
  • To provide opportunities for students to experience a structured exam timetable similar to that in year 12 VCE
  • To enable all students the experience of sitting a formal exam
  • To create an opportunity for students to complete set tasks within a set time constraint
  • To replicate the format and experience of the exams similar to that of external end of year exams in Year 12.

Year 9/10 exams: Thu 2 June - Thu 9 June

  • Exams will be conducted during normal scheduled classes from Thursday 2nd June – Thursday 9th June. This includes all year 9 and 10 combined subjects.
  • Standalone year 9 subjects WILL NOT undertake any formal exams.
  • Multiple subjects will be conducting the same exam.
  • Students are required to attend each school day as per normal. Teachers will communicate exam expectations and confirm what day and period their exam will take place during the examination week.
  • Teachers will be providing structured exam revision, including one practice exam / exam style practice questions in the lead up to their subject exam. 
  • Exams will be 60 - 75mins in duration, inclusive of reading time
  • Alternative arrangements will not be made for students with regards to exams unless the student absence is deemed by the College to be the result of extenuating circumstances, illness as supported by a doctor’s certificate or approved Leave. 
  • All efforts have been made to ensure exams are spread out over the course of the week. No student will undertake more than two exams on any given day.
  • All students are expected to complete one practice exam / exam style practice questions for every subject in preparation for each of their examinations.

Year 11 exams: Wed 1 June - Thu 9 June

  • No scheduled classes will occur during this time
  • An exam schedule will be released soon and be communicated via Compass and Teams
  • Students will come to school just for their exams. Students are required to undertake exam revision during the day when they do not have a scheduled exam.
  • Students are required to be in full college or PE uniform when they attend their exam.
  • No exams will take place on Wednesday 8th June due to VET commitments. Students are to use this day to study for their remaining exams
  • Exams will take place in the Senior Centre
  • 90min exam for all subjects (except English), inclusive of reading time.
  • Alternative arrangements will not be made for students with regards to exams unless the student absence is deemed by the College to be the result of extenuating circumstances, illness as supported by a doctor’s certificate or Approved Leave. No alternative arrangements will be made for Acknowledged Leave.
  • All students are expected to complete one practice exam provided by their subject teacher in preparation for each examination.


Exam Times for year 11 exams

  • 8.45am – 10.30am
  • 11.00am – 12.45pm
  • 1.15pm – 3.00pm
  • English (135mins): 8.45am – 11pm (including reading time)

Exam schedule for year 11 exams will be released soon on Compass and Teams.

Exam Protocols and Processes 

All students must adhere to the following protocols and processes below.


Before the commencement of the examination:

  • Students must not cheat or assist other students to cheat including taking any action that gives or attempts to give them or another student an unfair advantage in an examination.
  • Students must obey and observe all instructions and directions given by their teacher. 
  • Students must bring their own writing equipment, erasers, ruler, etc
  • Pencil cases can only be brought into the examination room if they are transparent, i.e. the contents are visible to the supervisor (clear Ziplock bag / plastic pocket)
  • Bags are not to be brought into the examination room
  • Non approved electronic devices are prohibited in examinations. Prohibited devices include mobile phones, electronic translators and dictionaries, music and video players, computerised watches, and any electronic devices capable of storing, retrieving or displaying digital information.
  • Students attending an examination may bring only the materials and equipment approved for that assessment into the examination room
  • Students detected with any device defined above must, upon the direction of a supervisor, surrender that device for inspection. Students must provide reasonable assistance to enable the interrogation of the device if required
  • Students must not bring into or possess in the examination room any drinks or food except under special circumstances as approved and directed by the school. Bottled water is permitted in a clear bottle with no label. 

 During the Examination:

  • Students must place all watches at the top of their table where they can be seen clearly and easily by a supervisor. Stopwatches and watches with special functions, such as an alarm or stopwatch, are not permitted in the assessment room.
  • A student must not begin to write or mark their paper or response material in any way, or use a calculator, during reading time, until advised by the supervising teacher that writing may commence.
  • A student must not communicate, verbally or non-verbally with another student while the examination is being conducted.
  • A student is to raise their hand if they wish to communicate with a supervising teacher. This rule applies to any student wishing to go to the toilet during the period of any exam. 
  • Students must not cause any nuisance, annoyance or interference to any other student during an assessment. 
  • Students must cease writing when instructed to do so by a teacher. 
  • Students must remain silent and seated in their place at the end of the examination until response materials have been collected and checked, and an announcement is made permitting students to leave the examination room. 
  • Students must not remove or tear out any part of a bound reference, question/task book, question and answer book or answer book, except where permitted, for example formula sheets.
  • Students will not be permitted to leave the examination room until the designated finishing time. 

Breach of rules:

  • Students must provide reasonable assistance to any investigation by the school in relation to a suspected breach of exam rules. 
  • Any student breaking the agreed exam protocols will be referred to Later Years and risk disciplinary action.
  • Any student found in possession of a mobile phone or electronic device during an examination will: 
    • Have the mobile phone or electronic device confiscated and handed to the Senior School Team
    • May have to repeat the exam with/without a score 
    • Face further disciplinary measures as determined by the Senior School Team

Authorised materials and equipment:

Students sitting written examinations may bring the following basic stationery items into the examination:

  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Erasers
  • Sharpeners
  • Rulers
  • Dictionary / calculator is permitted for required examinations
  • Pencil cases can only be brought into the examination room if they are transparent, i.e., the contents are visible to the supervisor (clear Ziplock bag / plastic pocket)


Students are not permitted to bring into the examination room:

  • mobile phones
  • any electronic devices including smart watches and fitness trackers
  • correction fluid or correction tape
  • textbooks (unless these are listed as approved materials for a specific examination)
  • notes (unless these are listed as approved materials for a specific examination)
  • blank paper or loose sheets of paper.
  • Students must place all watches at the top of their table where they can be seen clearly and easily by a supervisor. Stopwatches and watches with special functions, such as an alarm or stopwatch, are not permitted in the examination room.

       David Black

       Later Years Leader