Learning and Teaching


Students in year 7 and 9 have completed the NAPLAN testing of numeracy conventions of language writing and literacy. 


NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents and carers to see how their child is progressing in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia.


Our students performed very well under timed assessment conditions and we were very impressed by the engagement throughout the process.


A NAPLAN individual student report will be provided to parents later in the year which will show your child's performance relative to their peer group.


For more information visit nap.edu.au 

Reports and Compass Learning Tasks

Semester 1 reports are published to students and parents on Friday 24th June, however parents are encouraged to regularly check Compass to view the current and historic learning task for your child in each subject. Compass is the location to view the task and teacher feedback on the task.


While there are many categories of learning task that are visible to students, parents are able to view Assessment Tasks such as Assessment Checkpoints (year 7 and 8), Common Assessment Items (year 9 and 10), SAC's (VCE students) and Assessments for VCAL students.


In year 7 and 8 students are being assessed throughout a unit of learning in their classes against a developmental rubric. These rubrics are now visible on Maestro and all year 7 and 8 students have had the opportunity to log into Maestro to view the learning steps and self assess their learning progress. Please encourage your child to step you through Maestro.


The exciting news is that in coming weeks students will be able to upload evidence of learning into the rubric and the teachers will be able to provide worked examples of key skills/knowledge for students to use to support their learning. 



Examinations are an important part of the learning and teaching program at the College and an opportunity for students to test their skills and understanding in strict assessment conditions. 


Students in year 10 and 11 are about to sit their first exams for the year. Whilst students are aware of the examination process and schedule, it's important that parent are also aware.

  • The Year 9/10 exams will occur from Thursday 2nd June – Thursday 9th June. This includes all year 9 and 10 combined subjects. Exams will be conducted during normal scheduled classes in this time.
  • Year 11 exams will occur from Wednesday 1st June - Thursday 9th June. No scheduled classes during this time

       Natalie Manser

       Assistant Principal