From the Business Manager

As a parent of students at the College, and as a staff member, I was particularly grateful recently to have a registered nurse on staff when a visitor to the school had a suspected heart attack.


This inititiative was approved by College Council and means that we have a qualified, registred nurse onsite every shool day.


Our fantastic nurse was able to take control of the emergency and provide an exceptional level of care until an ambulance arrived.  This was overwhelmingly reassuring for the visitor, the visitor’s family and other staff who were present. 


Without families making their Parent Contribution each year, these initiatives are simply not possible.  We have not yet reached our budget for Parent Contributions, however I'd like to thank families that have made their Parent Contribution for 2022. 


A reminder for those that have not yet done so that they can head to the Event section in Compass (at the bottom – ‘Opt In’ events) and make their payment. Many families select a recurring contribution (payment plan). If selected, it will catch up 5 monthly contributions immediately, leaving 5 monthly contributions for the rest of the year. Please contact the General Office should you wish to vary your contribution at any time.


Peter Cameron

Business Manager