School News

Principal Message, Leadership Notices, Community Reminders

Dear Parents and Carers,


Term 2 is done, it has been such a big term.  As a community we have achieved so much, from getting through the bridge build with minimal disruption to getting through the flu and illnesses.  The learning has been the main focus and kids have progressed so well this semester.  We can't wait to show you our Literacy results! Our students and staff are certainly ready for a break to reset, get well and start a new term, healthy. 


Our grade 5 and 6 children will move into their new classrooms tomorrow, ready for term 3.  I would like to thank them for their resilience, I know they are extremely excited to finally have their own space within the school.


We said farewell to Mrs Sheedy last week and this week we said our goodbyes to Mu Soe who has been working with us all year in the Multicultural Education Aide role.  She had a special morning tea and will be looking forward to continuing her work at Bendigo Senior Secondary College.  In their place we welcome Sharon Davey, as the new Business Manager who will start next term.  We also welcome back Par do from parental leave, she'll be working Monday and Wednesday next term.


It's such an exciting time for Epsom with our new principal, Julie Ladd beginning at our amazing school.  I know she is extremely excited and looking forward to leading our community as she farewells her current community this week. 


I would like to take the opportunity to thank our staff for their unwavering support of me in my time as Acting Principal over the years, our parents and students for all their kind words and encouragement. A special mention must go to Kellie Macrae and Kylie Warfe, my two leading teachers who have done the long hours with me and have been by my side the entire journey.  I'm very much looking forward to my Assistant Principal role again and cannot wait to work with Julie.  I think we will all be a wonderful team with her leadership.


Enjoy your break, if you're lucky enough to have one, stay healthy and we'll all see you next term.


Kind regards,


-Kate FitzGerald

(Acting Principal soon to be Assistant Principal☺)

End of Term Assembly and Early Finish

Tomorrow, Friday 24th June is our last day of term 2. We finish school at 1:30pm. There will be a final 'STAR of the Term' assembly starting at 12:15pm. We hope to keep this assembly to 50 minutes so we can do our staggered finish times.


☕ Mrs Pata has also organised for a coffee van for parents before assembly.  The van will be ready for parents at 11:50am.  We hope you enjoy!


Staggered Pick Up times

1:15- Bikes and scooters leave with teacher escorts

1:20- Walkers leave with teacher escorts

1:30- Drive through and Front gate pick up


Please call the office or use Compass to explain your child's absence.  It is a Department of Education and Training requirement that all student absences are explained.  As a school we will be seeking an explanation for all unexplained absences with parents and carers.  

Reports and Student Learning Conferences

Reports will be going out on Thursday 14th July, Week 1 of next term. These will be available via Compass. We we send out a post letting you know how to access them next term.


Student Learning Conferences will be on the 28th July in Week 3 of next term.  These will be available to book into in week 1. You will be able to book via Compass.  This is student free day.  


RACV Road Safety

The RACV Safety Squad program came to our school for students in grades 1 to 6. tailored for Victorian primary school students from foundation to grade six. Robyn, the RACV educator conducted the program to empower our students to stay safe both at home and on the roads, particularly with our school being in a high-risk area. Themes covered included passenger safety, pedestrian safety, bike safety and identifying hazards in the home.  It was so successful, that we will book her in again next year.

Tutoring Learning Initiative (TLI)

Students from our Term 2 Literacy and Numeracy TLI program have enjoyed an amazing range of engaging and targeted learning experiences. 

The graphs below demonstrate the growth of the tutoring students in term 2. This data shows the growth of students over a nine week period. 

Subtraction with the Grade twos!
Grade 5 Measuring
Addition coat hangers
Subtraction with the Grade twos!
Grade 5 Measuring
Addition coat hangers