Last Friday night staff took most students on site into the Eaton Fair Shopping centre where they all had a wonderful evening shopping up a storm.

They then returned to the College and got the campfire going and cooked damper and s'mores around it.

One of our students also had a game of footy in Harvey on Friday evening, so staff ensured this took place as well.

Saturday morning Sally took a group of 7 into Bunbury into the “Real Combat Laser Tag “ Centre in Denning Road.

Everyone had a great 90mins of running around like mad things. Red team won out in the end thanks to the help of a superior ring in marksman “Creepy Reaper”.

On Saturday evening John took most students again into Bunbury to see the new release movie “Maverick” and from all reports and feedback it was a great movie.

Sunday was a chilled day with students going to horses, with a few returning early for a Sunday BBQ lunch of hamburgers and sausages enjoyed by all. The fire pit was a constant on Sunday as the weather cooled dramatically.

Monday evening saw junior netball in Harvey with several of our students who play and a few of the older girls umpire these games.  Junior AFL training was on as well involving a few boys, several students went to the town gym and a group played Hockey in Collie where the College team had another sensational win.

Tuesday was AFL training in Harvey, local gym, along with horse riding, walks and runs here on site as well as our own school gym that gets quite a workout.

Wednesday evening after prep Mr Jones ran “Dodgeball”. This is always well supported and lots of competitive nature comes to the fore from all the students. I have been told that Ms Wellington also was a participant on Wednesday.

Thursday was a shorter day and students departed for the long weekend.  Please stay safe and enjoy your break and we will see you back onsite after 3.30pm Monday.