Our Class Trip

On Wednesday, the 13th September, the year 8 students and my year 10 English class went to the city. We did different activities to learn more about Australia’s history and the city of Melbourne in general .

  I have to say, the class trip was really wonderful. In the morning, we gathered at Frankston at 8:30. Everyone was excited about the trip. Classmates talked with each other with smiles on their faces.

  Then we took the train from Frankston to Flinders Street Station. On the train, we listened to music and enjoyed the atmosphere.

  After that, we visited the Immigration Museum. How amazing it was! From outside, the building was beautiful, and from the inside amazing.

We went to the AFL exhibit. I learned a lot about AFL, including the balls, the shirts of famous players and so on.

  At lunch time, we had lunch in a Chinese restaurant at China Town. The food was Guangdong cuisine. The most interesting was the waiter who wheeled a cart with delicious food and would ask us which food we wanted.

All in all, our class trip was really meaningful and exciting.

By Freida, 10H


Year 9/10 Indonesian Excursion

On Tuesday the 5th of September all the year 9 and 10’s studying Indonesian participated in an excursion which allowed them to practise their language skills and try some authentic Indonesian food.

In the lead up to the excursion, all students created a scavenger hunt all written in Indonesian including the directions. The students were required to use their language to complete the tasks which ended at an Indonesian restaurant ‘Naughty Nuri’s’ in Melbourne Central.  The students were then able to try authentic Indonesian cuisine such as nasi goreng, mie goreng and satay.

All students thoroughly enjoyed themselves as it gave them a chance to use their language skills outside the classroom.


Overall the day was a huge success and all students were a credit to the school.


Ms Karli Sellenger

indonesian Teacher