What's happening at Cowra High

Principal's Report
In my last report I spoke of the opportunity to attend a Dance extravaganza “Synchronicity”. I think I can speak with confidence that everyone present would agree the evening was spectacular. The entertainment was of the highest calibre, with the performers providing humor, athleticism and deep emotional experiences. It was easy to see why our Performing Arts students are such regulars in the NSW Schools Spectacular. I also need to provide a word of encouragement to our staff performers. The grace they missed was well and truly made up for with enthusiasm. Well done all.
Along the same lines, last week I had the great pleasure of watching our HSC Drama students perform their major works for family and friends. If the performances I saw were anything to go by, we are in for some great Drama results this year. The performances varied between side splitting humor to thought provoking drama. Break a leg for the HSC!
Last week also saw our female engineering students travel to Bathurst to take part in a Women in Engineering challenge. I was very impressed to hear how engaged the girls were with the challenge and how successfully they met each challenge. Fantastic girls!
Cowra High students displayed their community spirit through a variety of events over this fortnight. I was very proud to have Cowra High students helping with Primary Athletics, Primary Soccer and Primary Science week activities. It is pleasing that our students so regularly contribute to our partner primary schools.
On Monday 27 August we will be holding a Year 12 university information evening, followed by Year 12 parent/teacher interviews. More information will be coming home with the students.
Have a great fortnight
Charles Gauci
Prefect Nominations
The student body voted for prefects last Wednesday 15 August. Jakob Walker, Lucy Sutherland, Maegan Carroll, Marcus O'Connor and Talitha Brown spoke to the school assembly on why they should be selected to represent the school.
An announcement will be made at the next assembly on the successful candidates.
Students attend Breakout Commemorations
Nakeya, Zavier and Tahlia Ryan attended the recent Breakout Commemorations held on Sunday 5 August.
These students laid a wreath at the POW camp during Sunday’s commemoration service on behalf of Dr Evandro Dell’Amico in memory of his father Bruno who was one of the original Italian POW’s sent to Cowra. Bruno played a significant role in Cowra’s history, as he was the designer and builder of the stone hut, which ironically, is the last standing structure on the POW camp site.
This is the first time they have been involved at this level, and only had a few minutes before the ceremony to master the process and control nerves. What a sterling effort from these three students!
Georgia Lewis represented our school also laying a wreath.
Cowra High congratulates all four students for displaying respect and responsibility at such an important occasion.
Anti-Racism Contact Officer
As part of the Anti-Racism Policy, schools are required to nominate an ARCO (Anti-Racism Contact Officer). The ARCO is the person to whom individuals and groups initially bring complaints about racist incidents that they have experienced or observed in the school.
The role has three parts:
- Complaints support role
The ARCO supports the handling of complaints of racism in a number of ways:
- managing complaints of racism made by students against other students
- referring complaints of racism made by staff and community members to appropriate executive staff members or the complaints manager
- providing advice on the complaints resolution process to students, staff and community members
- supporting the complainant during the complaints handling process
- Educational role
The ARCO can assist the principal to:
- include anti-racism education strategies in school planning
- promote anti-racism education across the school
- Monitoring role
The ARCO can assist the principal to:
- maintain records of complaints and allegations concerning racism
- identify significant trends in relation to complaints about racism
Cowra High School’s Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO) is Mr Damien Johnson.
PBL Winners
Congratulations to our students for their continual efforts with respect and responsibility. Thank you to our sponsors for their continual support. The students really appreciate it!!
Cowra High students Ryu Akima and Sean Smith attended an Orienteering day at Ophir recently. Here are some photos of them awaiting their start time and collecting their map at the start signal.
Support News
Stage 4 in the Support Unit have just finished their unit on Deserts of the world. Everyone has enjoyed this unit, thanks to Mrs. Carter, and produced this wonderful collage .