3/4D and 1/2S 

- St Mary MacKillop.

This Friday, 3/4D and 1/2S will be joining together to celebrate Mass. They will be celebrating the Feast of St Mary MacKillop, Australia's first Saint. Mass will begin at 9:30am. Families and parishioners are invited to attend, though need to follow the guidelines associated with attending Mass during these Covid-19 times.


Mary MacKillop was born in Melbourne in 1842 and died in Sydney on the 8 August 1909. She took the religious name 'Mary of the Cross.' Mary pioneered a new form of religious life to provide education for children. Mary and her sisters of St Joseph shared the life of the poor, offering special care to women and children. She is remembered for her eagerness to discover God's will in all things, for her charity and for trusting in God.


In 1995 Mary was beatified in Sydney by Pope John Paul II and was then known as Blessed Mary MacKillop. The process of examination of different accounts and miracles took almost 15 years until in 2010, Pope Benedict XVI announced that Mary MacKillop would become Australia’s first saint. Her canonisation would take place in Rome in 2010. The Canonisation was witnessed by thousands who packed Saint Peter’s Square and by millions around the globe.

KG, 5/6GD Mass & a Baptism

Congratulations to Ella Glasson who was Baptised on Friday 31 July during the KG and 5/6GD Mass. It was lovely for the students to see and be involved in the Baptism and for Ella to be baptised with her class there. We welcome Ella into the Catholic Family.

Year 7 Mass 

On Friday 14 August, Year 7 will be celebrating Mass as cohort. The Mass will focus on the the martyr St Maximilian Kolbe. Mass will begin at 9:15am.


First Reconciliation & Holy Communion

Year 3 students have begun their preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and Holy Communion. There will NOT be an information evening or an enrolment process due to Covid restrictions. A note has been sent home with further details. A reminder that the note and $10 is due this week.

 For the Calendar:

Term 3 2020

7 August -  3/4D & 1/2S Mass at SHC 9:30am

14 August - Year 7 Mass at SHC 9:15am

20 August - First Reconciliation TBC

21 August - 5/6PW & KD at SHC 9:30am

23 August - First Holy Communion SHC 2pm

28 August - 1/2M & 3/4A at SHC 9:30am

20 September - Confirmation TBC


Enjoy the week and God bless,

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator