Room 17


Morning Routine


In IELP we do a morning routine that refreshes and prepares us for our busy day of learning.


“Every morning we like to come to school. We love doing the Morning Routine every day. My favourite part is when we learn about rainbow colours.” – Irena

“I like the Morning Routine. I love reading the Sight Words and dancing to the Days of the Week song.” – Aaiza




Sharing what we did on the weekend

Students are asked to share with a buddy what they did on the weekend. They use picture boards to help guide them to find the correct word they are looking for in English. Then they retell what their buddy did on the weekend to the whole class.


“We were talking about some things we did on the weekend, like, eating ice-cream, playing in the bushes and playing the giant hide & seek game.” – Drisha

“I always share with my friends and I tell them that I play in my tent on the weekend.” - Meher


Writing about what we did on the weekend


After sharing and retelling what the students did on the weekend they write a recount of what they did. Then they illustrate their writing, labeling their pictures. Finally they read their recount to the class.


“I like to write. I’m good at recount writing. I know how to use full stops and capital letters.” – Vihaan

“I like to write and draw about what I did on the weekend. I’m at good drawing and writing some things that I did on the weekend.” – Gurleen





Room 17 attends yoga classes every Tuesday with Megan. We also often do yoga in class after lunch as part of our relaxation to help us get ready for our afternoon of learning.


“In yoga we breathe deeply. We do relaxation. I like that the most.” – Jujharjeet

“I love yoga because it makes me strong.” – Bhavya