From the Principal


Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to those parents and carers who made the time to speak with class teachers to discuss your child/ren’s learning progress this year.

Feedback from teachers has been that these discussions were very valuable and plans have been put in place to continue learning improvement over the next two terms.

I appreciate that the phone interviews would have been a different experience than face to face conversations. I really appreciate that you made the effort to make contact with teachers.

Children need the combined support of parents /carers and teachers all working together to provide consistent expectations for children and their learning.

Regular communication is essential to ensure this happens.

Unfortunately face to face conversations are not an option due to the COVID-19 restrictions – but all teachers have either Class Dojo or SeeSaw apps and provide regular updates on class learning programs.

Please make the most of the opportunities to connect with the class teachers and the learning programs being offered on a regular basis.


Reading at home

We expect all students to spend at least 20 minutes each night reading – either to themselves or aloud.

Reading is a basic skill that has the potential to open a world of opportunities to young people.

Please support your child/ren to be the best readers they can be by:

Ensuring they read every evening

Ensuring they bring their take home reading books to school every day

Encouraging them to borrow additional books though our school library.


Kind regards,
