Performing Arts and Mindfulness News

'Our approach to mindfulness teaches students to pay attention to what’s happening both around and within themselves, and to notice thoughts, feelings, and sensations as they arise. We teach students how not be judgemental of the thoughts and feelings that they experience, but to be aware of what’s going on and how this makes them feeling.'

Dear St Anthony’s Community,

I wanted to share with you all some good news. Each week I will be posting a mindfulness and meditation session for the week. The sessions will be a guided mindfulness meditation led by me for you to enjoy either individually or as a family. I will post on a Monday (or Tuesday if it’s a public holiday) on the school Dojo page. 


 You can watch the video each day as part of your daily mindfulness or just check in a couple of times a week.


We will explore different themes around mindfulness and raising our awareness of ourselves and our feelings and reactions to the events around us.


Week 1 – What is Mindfulness

Week 2 – Empathy

Week 3 – Mood

Week 4- Gratitude

Week 5- Kindness


I hope you have had lots of opportunities to spend time together playing a game, going for walks, reading a book together, cooking or even keeping a diary of this historic time!

If you are keen to pursue more mindfulness in your family, Smiling Mind have a special program - “Thrive Inside” is a special initiative to help you stay calm and healthy in the physical constraints of your home, while remaining calm and healthy inside your mind during the Covid – 19 pandemic. It’s a great program and it’s free and easy to download on your phone or device.


This term in Performing Arts all children will be learning about mindfulness, meditation and wellbeing. They will explore how to effectively tune into their bodies and to notice what is going on for them, using mindfulness to check in and get ready for learning.


The juniors will be exploring the composition of Carnival of the Animals written by Camille Saint-Saens, it is one of the most famous pieces of classical music written for children. We will be exploring movement, dance, music, mask and creativity.


The seniors will be learning about theatrical monologues ranging from comedy to Shakesperian monologues. They will explore the craft of the writer and actor and will learn about how to write their very own monologue for performance.


Please feel free to send me a message to let me know how you are doing or if you’d like some advice via Dojo or email me on


Best Wishes,

Ms Victoria Gelberg

Performing Arts and Mindfulness Teacher