3-4 S.A.K.G 

S.A.K.G News

Welcome Year 3 to a brand new Semester of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. The program introduces our young learners to pleasurable food education that teaches children to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal, delicious food in order to form positive food habits for life.


At Brookside, we are proud to encourage sustainability. Meet our hard working Chookside girls ( Pennelope, Pretzel, Stephanie and Alexandra) who continually consume the food scraps from our garden and cooking programs, and provide plenty of eggs in return. The garden is looking fantastic and ready for harvesting as we make our cooking videos each week. 

This term as students are learning from home, the SAKG Team have been working very hard to make videos that are engaging and simple enough for students to learn the much needed skills to succeed with minimal help from family members. Instead of the usual 2 hours of cooking and one hour of gardening each fortnight, Year 3 students will need to complete only one kitchen activity to reduce the workload and demand on family for support. 


The lessons are scheduled during the double SAKG cooking block on the students’ timetable. Students may like to use the garden hour to do some of their own garden activities or drawing of nature and flowers.

Each week your child will be encouraged to cook then submit evidence on Compass of their notes and photos of their final products. If you have the necessary ingredients and equipment, we hope that you will support students to continue enjoying the love of fresh food and cooking at home.


Our first remote learning cooking lesson was to understand the importance of hand hygiene. Here’s what Dante from 3B wrote.

Mylinh Crossman