Year 3-6 Sector

Year 3 News

Dear Parents/Guardians, 


We are all so proud of how our year 3 students have settled so quickly back into remote learning. You are all superstars! J We have loved being able to meet with you on Zoom everyday and hope that you are enjoying connecting with your classmates on a regular basis. 


This term in Writing we are learning about Poetry. We will be looking at the different features that are included in poems such as Rhyme and Rhythm. As well as this we will be having a go at writing our own Diamante Poems, Quatrain Poems and Limerick Poems to show off all the new skills we are learning. 


In Reading, we are beginning the term by looking at QAR (Question and Answer Relationship). This strategy will help us to gain a deeper understanding of a text. We will also be learning about prefixes and suffixes to help us understand the meaning of different words. 


In Maths, we will be learning about measurement for most of the term. This will include Length, Mass, Capacity and Time. Throughout this unit students will be using different tools they have around their house to help them measure different objects. 


Finally, in PBL students will be learning about different disabilities and how society can be fair and equal to all everyone. In this unit they will further their research skills and create a project based on their new knowledge. 


Keep up all the great work year 3’s! We can’t wait to see you amazing work this term! 


From your Year 3 teachers. 


Year 4 Team

Term 3- Grade 4 Remote Learning


And we’re back… Remote Learning 2.0 has started smoothly for the year 4 students. The students have shown how well they are able to adapt to change and are back into the swing of things (online) with enthusiasm.

   By Ariel, 4C
   By Ariel, 4C



In reading this term our topic is Author Study. We will be focusing on the author Margaret Wild and exploring one book each week. Students will explore the illustrations, themes, characters and also look at the style of writing that Margaret Wild uses. The students will share their opinions and discuss what they like and dislike about the books.

By Nora, 4C
By Nora, 4C



In writing this term, the Year 4 students will be looking at information reports. We will be looking closely at the writing elements that make up an information report, the purpose and different types. They will also be writing two of their own information reports. We will also continue to do one Literacy lesson per week with a different focus each week, starting with abstract and concrete nouns.                              

By Gabriel 4E
By Gabriel 4E



Grade 4 students have started Term 3 learning about Multiplication and will shortly move into division. Students are learning different strategies they can use to solve multiplication problems. Although this may seem tricky online students have adapted well and are showing some great strategies to answer the problems. Division will be the focus in coming weeks and then a combination of the two. As well as this, students have been completing one lesson per week with a focus on time.

By Ren 4E
By Ren 4E



This term in Project Based Learning we will be using the book and movie ‘Wonder’ to support our learning. The Year 4 students will be watching this movie as a class via Zoom in Week 3 and then completing one lesson per week based around disability and disadvantage. 


At the end of this unit we hope that each student will have a deeper understanding of:


1. Disabilities 

2. Disadvantage 

3. Equality

By Joshua 4C
By Joshua 4C

We hope you are all staying safe and looking after yourselves. We have loved seeing you every day via our whole class Zoom meetings and look forward to seeing your excellent work.


The Year 4 Team.


Year 5 News

Newsletter grade 5 – written by Tina Petras and Oliver Taylor in 5D


Remote learning 2.0 is going well for grade 5 and we think it’s easier and very different (in a good way!) Remote learning is not what we’re used to but we’re getting the hang of it. 


Morning circle this time around has been pretty fun in grade 5 and it makes us feel a little less stressed because we get reminders from our teacher which makes us feel more organised. 


Our teachers have also included fun activities everyday in our Morning Circles like…

Monday ‘Munchies’: We attempt a recipe like Nachos.

Tuesday ‘Time to help’: We help out at home like folding clothes.

‘Wacky’ Wednesday: We dress up and send a photo to our teacher.

Thursday ‘Trivia’: We play a game of trivia with our families.

Friday ‘Fitness’: We have a fitness challenge to do.

Jye Neicho – Wacky Wednesday Costume


Atheena Musa – Rice Crispy treats for Monday Munchies


Even though we are stuck at home and not at school we are still learning a lot! In Reading we are reading Boy Overboard and learning all about Morris Gleitzman and his writing style. In Writing we are learning about informal and formal writing as well as Functional writing which is a type of writing that has a ‘job’. In Math we are continuing to learn all about Measurement, this week we are learning more about Volume and Capacity.

This term we also have 2 new specialist subjects which are Food tech and Digi tech. We are learning about websites in digital technology and we are looking forward to learning all about cooking in Food tech even though it might be a little bit tricky since we’re learning from home – but we will try our best!

Writing By Jennilee Scotto-Lachianca


Humanities work by Mikayla Axiak


The Year 5 Team


Year 6 News

During remote learning, the Y6 cohort have been doing fun tasks. Everyday we have to login to a zoom meeting to show our teachers our attendance. It is fun to see all our classmates! 


We also have focus groups, we have a certain times and days which we login and work in a group and do a fun task. In writing, we have been writing poems. ( I will share one of mine at the end.) In maths, we are starting decimals. 


In reading we are doing reading comprehension. We are currently reading Matilda. 


In science, we are learning types of energy. We had to write the type of energy, definition and draw/print a picture.


OCEAN  (Quatrain poem)


I love watching the sun set.

I watched the birds soar.

I see that waves hit the shore.

It is something I can never forget.


By Elena 6B