Prep-2 Sector

Prep News

In Prep this term we have been learning lots of new tricky words.

Each prep has their own tricky word tree and words at home, to use and follow along with. We have also been practicing making words using our letter tiles.



In Maths we have been looking at counting collections of numbers. We have been practicing this by counting with any materials we can find at home. Here are some of our awesome counting materials.



In writing we have been practicing how to write a 5 star sentence; which includes beginning with a capital letter, ending with a sentence stopper, using finger spaces, writing on the lines and making sure our sentence makes sense.


Our Prep teachers have decided to have some fun and show our families that we are all in this together. We have creatively decorated our home offices to make us feel as though we are at school. We have also put together a short video that we hope you enjoy. Click on the link to view the. We hope you enjoy!





Yours Truly,

The Prep Team 


Year 1 News

Welcome back to Term 3 and Remote Learning. 


Thank you parents for your continuing support with remote learning with your children.

After all, We are all in this together.’ 

This term the Year Ones are working on some very exciting concepts and skills.



We are continuing with our InialLit program and the students are learning Tricky words, as well as the diagraphs ‘or’ and ‘ar’. 

In week 5, the Year One teachers will be conducting a one on one spelling test with your child called a Stop and Check 5. Parents, the times for this testing will be sent out shortly.


The Year 1 Team

Year 2 News

 Even though we are back learning remotely all of our topics will remain the same.

Play based humanities work by 2E from Term 2. Caroline Springs history and services
Play based humanities work by 2E from Term 2. Caroline Springs history and services

In Literacy we will continue with our comprehension and fluency work by reading different types of texts and answering questions to show understanding. Our spelling lessons continue to build student expertise around different letter combinations and tricky words such as build, tomorrow, surprise, through, and house. 


In grammar, students will learn about types of conjunctions and how to use them as well as develop further skills with verbs, adverbs and prepositions. The Story book lesson will connect reading and writing as it exposes students to a wide range of texts that are read and talked about together, followed up by explicit vocabulary discussion and finally a linked writing task.

Making a personal connection in Reading by Ryan
Making a personal connection in Reading by Ryan

In Maths the focus will be on Addition and subtraction for around 5 to 6 weeks. 


The maths online learning resources found in week 2 of remote learning in the maths planners are a valuable resource that students can use throughout the unit. It would be a good idea to copy those links to somewhere accessible for ongoing use.

Using conjunctions by Maison
Using conjunctions by Maison

In Humanities or Play based learning the focus is geography and communication with students learning about Australia and the surrounding countries. There are also lessons based around coping with stress in Health/RRRR which is a valuable skill to develop to support the building of resilience. 


The Year 2 News