Principal's Report

31 July 2020

Remote Learning Update

I have been pleased with the response of our school community to this second period of remote learning. Attendance has been excellent and students have responded well to the increased use of Microsoft Teams. The changes that we made were based on feedback from teachers, support staff, students and parents. I would like to thank parents for responding so quickly to our remote learning survey at such short notice (close to 600 in 24hrs). While the responses were overwhelmingly positive and supportive of our remote learning plan, there were some consistent themes that assisted the modifications that we made for this new period of remote learning.  


Key Objectives of remote learning 2.0

- Reduce the total number of tasks students are required to complete each week. 

- Increase the real time contact with teachers and classmates

- Balance flexibility and compulsory sessions based on subjects and year levels


Key changes:

Year 7-9:

- Compulsory Maths and English lessons

- Tasks released during optional session

- Tasks due second Friday of each cycle

- Due dates visible via Compass

- Sessions and resources accessed by students via Microsoft Teams

- Compass has been updated to reflect student timetables

Year 10

- Compulsory lessons for all subjects

- Updated timetables via Compass

- Student work completed within Microsoft Teams 

- Teachers will complete progress updates via - - Compass so that parents can monitor engagement

Key Tips

- Remember that students should be completing approximately 3-4hrs school work per day

- Contact classroom teacher, mentor teacher or designated coordinator if the work is too difficult or too easy

- Encourage your child to attend all optional sessions, where possible


Next week we will be distributing some detailed fact sheets for parents and carers to support students who require additional assistance or extension with their school work.


Coordinators will be in touch with families next week where we have concerns regarding the completion of learning tasks so far this term. 



COVID-19 Update

Onsite Learning

Attendance for our VCAL and VCE students has remained strong this term with between 88-95% student attendance. I have been pleased with the way in which our senior students and staff onsite have responded to the wearing of masks while at school.  Although the recent outbreaks have mostly affected suburbs to the the north and the west of our CBD, there have been some school closures in the Bayside Peninsula area due to a confirmed case. 


Reducing the risk of a closure at Patterson River


Strategies the school has undertaken:

  • Reduced the number of staff onsite 
  • Implemented high frequency cleaning 
  • Temperature screening 
  • Strict hygiene protocols.

What staff and students can do:

  • Stay at home if you have any symptoms, however mild. 
  • Get tested if you have any symptoms, however mild
  • Self-isolate while awaiting for test results
  • Follow any advice given from DHHS 
  • Minimise movement in the community
  • Follow community and school expectations such as hygiene, travel and social distancing.

What happens if we have a confirmed case?

I have heard from several school principals who have been required to close following a confirmed case. It is important to know in advance the process, particularly in regards to communication to avoid frustration in the event that we have a confirmed case at Patterson River.   



  • School community member contacts the school principal to inform a positive test result.
  • Principal contacts Department of Human Services (DHHS) and the Department of Education and Training (DET) 
  • From this point ALL action and correspondence is managed by DET.
  • Staff, students and parents are notified. The notice is scripted by DET but distributed by the school and the timing of issue is not controlled by the school 
  • VCE & VCAL resume remote learning 
  • The privacy of the individual who has tested positive is paramount. Staff and students are not advised who the person is unless they are identified as a close contact.
  • DHHS liaises with the individual who has tested positive and the principal to provide information for contact tracing and contact details.
  • All the people on the list are contacted directly by DHHS, not the school. These people go into isolation for 14 days commencing from the time of contact with the person who has tested positive. They are tested on Day 11. The isolation does not apply to other family members.
  • The school is vacated and no-one is able to enter the site until a deep cleaning has occurred. This could take up to 4-5 days.
  •  Once the deep clean is completed school resumes. 

How students and teachers can prepare for possible school closure:

  • Take home essential items such as laptops and textbooks each night. 
  • Minimise the number of different students and staff that you interact with at school
  • Understand that in the event of a confirmed case that the school is not in control of communications.

Course Counselling


Students in Years 9-11 have begun their course counselling process for 2021. Parents are advised to check Compass for information including handbooks and course counselling bookings. 


Changes to Year 10 Subjects and Course Structure

This term, we have spent considerable time reviewing the current course structure at Year 10. This group which consisted of teachers, coordinators, wellbeing and careers staff set out with the following objectives:

1. Minimise interruptions caused to curriculum delivery at Year 10 due to course counselling, guest speakers, year level activities.

2. Introduce a significant adult at Year 10 who can become their mentor teacher and assist students with the course counselling process.

3.  Introduce guaranteed delivery of skills and knowledge not currently covered e.g. study and revision skills, respectful relationships, civics and citizenship etc.

4.  To investigate:

      a. Whether each of the above objectives are met through the introduction of Year 12 T@SK style subject or within domains

       b. The effectiveness of the existing Year 10 course subject offerings and rules.


The group also conducted focus groups with past Year 10 students and surveyed current Year 9 students for their views. In addition, we reviewed Year 10 courses at a number of other large secondary schools. As a result of this work, the following changes will be put into place for Year 10 2021:


  • Introduction of a pathways subject similar to Year 12 T@SK (2 periods per week)
  • Teacher of the pathways subject to become the class’s mentor teacher
  • Removal of the core Science, Humanities & Physical Education
  • Students will be required to select at least one Science and one Humanities subject
    • Science subjects (Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
    • Humanities subjects (History, Geography, Business Management, Legal Studies)
    • Physical Education (may involve some slight changes to current electives)
  • New Health subject (3 periods per week)
  • Multiple pathways/health classes in the same block to enable group activities (inc male/female), incursions etc

Mr Daniel Dew

College Principal