Student of the Week

'We empower every learner with the means to engineer their own future'

  Monday 18th October 2021

Student Name



Julian00ADemonstrating the value of respect by always waiting for his turn and using his manners during online team meetings! Awesome job Julian. 
Zac01BFor sharing his ideas on Microsoft Teams, by raising his hand and not talking of his peers
Hakan02AFor showing respect by keeping his teachers informed of any difficulties he encountered when joining Teams, using his manners and being polite. Well done Hakan.
Charlie03ADemonstrating respect and patience while working on line towards his teachers and peers. Congratulations Charlie, keep up the great attitude!
Antoinette03AFor being mindful of others and respecting her peers feelings and contributions while working on line. Congratulations Antoinette! 
Yudhvir04ADemonstrating the value of Respect by interacting in a positive manner with his class members and teachers during our online class check ins on Teams.
Oliver04BFor being a respectful student who always communicated appropriately with his peers and teacher during morning Team meeting and small online Guided Reading Groups. He respectfully listens to others and waits his turn to share his ideas. Well done Oliver! 
Elina04CDemonstrating the value of respect. Elina participates in online reading groups. She is mindful of how she speaks and is quick to apologize if she feels she has upset anyone. Elina can be cheeky at times, but mostly she is very respectful to peers and adults. Keep up the great work!
Irena05AFor always displaying the value of respect by attending check ins and submitting work on time and allowing others to take part in online group conversations.
 Joanna06BDemonstrating respect and kindness during remote learning by responding positively to feedback and asking questions when she is unsure. Thank you, Joanna.