
Food Technology



In terms 3 & 4 the grade 5 students have been joining with me online for an interactive cooking demonstration. The students first session, they accepted the challenge to peel an apple in one continuous strip. We had various interpretations and it was pleasing to see the persistence in getting it done. Next, we peeled and segmented oranges and mandarins, followed by dipping strawberries in chocolate. One of the great sessions was when we all made smoothies.  Without prompting, most of the class presented their drinks in a fun way. Recently we have been making chocolate spiders for a Halloween treat. What has been most rewarding is having the students who are on site at school do the demonstrating to grade 5A after they did it the day before.


Focusing on nutrition as a major part of our learning the online tasks were developed to encourage students to become critical learners and producers of healthy foods. 


The grade 1 classes are completing their ‘What’s in my Trolley?’ focusing on healthy and unhealthy choices. Grade preps and grade 2’s completed the ‘How to’ series of independent tasks achievable at home such as making a sandwich or a muffin in a mug either writing the procedure, filming making the sandwich or narrating how to do it with voice note. 


 The grade 3 & 4 classes are investigating food from the five food groups and applying their understanding of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. We started with the staples, eggs and milk which allowed them to show their understanding and discuss their preferences and ethical choices when choosing eggs.


During this years home learning all students can access SHOWBIE and present their work in a range of ways. It is great seeing photos of themselves with their product, some students did it as a cut and paste, others chose a voice note and did fantastic interviews with their family.