Assistant Principal Report

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 


This term there is lots going on at the College and therefore many opportunities for girls to be involved in College life. 


Anniversary of the Canonisation of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop 

I would like to share a little story with you. These school holidays twelve years ago I was in Rome to witness the Canonisation of Mary MacKillop - Australia’s first Saint. I travelled to Rome as part of a pilgrimage group of ten teachers from Sydney Catholic Schools so that we could represent SCS at this event. 


I personally have a real love of Mary MacKillop because she had a passion for justice, a respect for human dignity and a love of people in need. Her canonisation, for me, is a strong reminder that God’s spirit is alive in ordinary people. 


Pope Francis often reminds us that we are all called to holiness and therefore we can all be saints. Our own charism very much talks of faithful and compassionate service, calling us to walk in the shoes of others. 


One of Mary MacKillop’s quotes was “Remember we are but travellers here”. Mary’s tomb bears these simple words. As I read them today I reflect that we only pass this way once. I ask you to consider the following question…. What sort of a footprint am I making? 

Through the example of Saint Mary of the Cross, may we learn to recognise God’s will.



May her life of service awaken in us a deep respect for the poor and a strong will for justice.



May we share in her courage, see with the eyes of Christian love and learn from her holy





It is clear that some girls have had a growth spurt over the last two terms. It is recommended that the length of the summer uniform is checked and hems adjusted if necessary. 


School Opal Card Applications

A reminder that all students MUST tap on and off with their Opal Cards. Applications are now open for 2023. If a student does not hold a School Opal Card and is eligible, they may visit the link below for more information.


Every time a student taps on and off they are counted on the designated service. Please be advised that this is important as Transport NSW has the option of withdrawing school bus routes which show low patronage data. 


Julie Norman

Assistant Principal