Curriculum News

Swimming - Water Safety lessons

In week 7, students attended Westminster School to access the Water Safety Program. The program promoted water confidence and safety in, on and around the water. Students learnt lifelong skills about how to protect themselves and others.


“I had a lot of fun, I loved going into the deep end!”

-Blake in Reception - R5


 “I had fun and I liked making waves with Y7.”

-Kobe in Reception - R5


“I liked when we had time to go under water and do tricks. I liked learning how to do sculling while we were on our backs to move through the water.”

-Alex in Year 1 - R5


The instructor in charge sent a positive message saying:

“We have really enjoyed having your students this week. We saw some very nervous, quiet and unsure students in most groups on day one. So it was amazing to see their confidence and abilities grow each day. Also the water seems to have become the perfect environment for them to interact, support and help each other which was great to see.”



Nunga Tag Excursion

This year was the 10th anniversary of Nunga Tag in the Southern region. We were lucky enough to take some of our students along to participate in the day. The event brought together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from the southern region to play some modified NRL games against other primary schools. It was a great day spent learning new information, walking through the sponsor stalls and drinking hot chocolate. Thank you to the Nunga Tag committee and NRL team for making the day possible.