General Information 

Reception enrolments

Is your child starting school in 2023?  We are currently accepting Registrations of Interest for Enrolment.  Forms are available on our website:

We look forward to welcoming you to our school community.

Please call the office on 8276 5366 for any enrolment enquiries.

Please ensure you enrol your children within the first 3 weeks of Term 4 to access the Reception Transition mornings starting on Wednesdays from 9th November.


Principal Tours

If you are interested in joining a Principal Tours of our school, please call us on 

8276 5366 to register.

Next tour date:

Friday   28th October   9.30am



We have recently revised our school uniform prices.  

Please see below for the current price list:

We now also have navy shorts and skorts (a combination of a short and skirt) available for purchase.


Netball 2022

Netball has finished for season 2022 with Clovelly Park taking out 3rd place in their division.  The final match was a hard fought contest against Warradale Primary School. Both teams played really well but it was Clovelly Park who were the strongest team and won on the night. 

The girls made huge progress throughout the season with their skills and game play. Huge congratulations to all the girls who played this year! A special thanks goes to Ms Mel who gave up her time each week to coach and umpire the games. All the players really learnt a lot and enjoyed the season having Ms Mel as coach. 


Father’s Day Prize Winners

Congratulations to the two lucky students who won the Father's Day prizes.    

1st Prize was won by Max in Class G3 and 2nd Prize went to Erik also in Class G3.

Festival of Music

After all the hard work put into rehearsing throughout the year, our amazing choir students finally got to perform at the Festival Theatre as part of the Festival of Music.

Everyone had a fantastic night and the Clovelly representatives did us all proud.  Well done to Alix who was a soloist and performed in the closing song of the evening!  Well done everyone!

- Mr H