Principal's Report

Dear Families, 




It is hard to recognise that it is now Spring based on the amount of rain and cool temperatures we continue to experience. 


When we planned Sports Day for late September we didn't expect that the wet conditions would have an impact on our ability to go ahead with the day.


We postponed the day from last Friday 23 September to Friday this week in the hope that our water logged oval would dry out. Unfortunately the continuing rain has meant that we find ourselves in the same position this week. The staff all wandered across the oval yesterday afternoon to test the conditions. As a result, we have reluctantly postponed Sports Day again. 


Sports Day is now planned for Thursday 24th November. Please add this new date to your calendars. 


For those that ordered the Lunch Special, we will deliver the special on Sports Day.

If you missed the opportunity to order the Lunch Special for your child, we will reopen orders for a limited time next term in the lead up to Sports Day. 


We understand that the change of date can cause inconvenience, however, the safety of students is at the centre of our decision to postpone. 


At the end of term we sometimes experience staff changes. Many of you will know Mr. Chris Lay as he has taught here in a variety of roles over a number of years. Chris has been offered a permanent position at a school in the Adelaide Hills. As this school is much closer to his home, he has decided to take up the opportunity. 

Whilst it is disappointing that he will miss the Sports Day that he and others have planned, I'm sure there will be many more Sports Days in his new site as he is taking on the PE teacher role. 

I'm sure you will join me in thanking Chris for his many contributions to students and families at Clovelly Park and wish him well at his new school.


It has been wonderful to be able to reopen our Intensive English Language program this term. We started the term with 7 students in this program and have continued to welcome new families into our school community throughout the term. We look forward to starting a third Intensive English Language class at the beginning of Term 4.


As the end of term is very close, we hope that you are able to spend some time with your children during the holiday period. If you are travelling, go safely.


A reminder that there is an earlier dismissal (2pm) on Friday 29 September as it is the last day of Term 3.


We look forward to welcoming you to an action packed Term 4 on Monday 17 October. 



Kind regards,


Terena Pope
