Attendance Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
As we lean into the school holidays you may have your children ask you about the purposefulness of coming to school regularly. This is a great opportunity for you to have some robust discussions about the importance of learning at school and having a good attendance.
Here are some handy facts you can share with your child about the power of having full access their education;
Going to school everyday helps you with…
- Developing the ability to read and write well
- Entirely mastering a given curriculum of study
- Mastering and then applying academic and non-academic knowledge to live (e.g., to ‘get a job’–which is different than ‘doing good work’)
- Gaining and using academic knowledge in real life situations
- The ability to expertly create your own ‘curriculum’–learning literacy–this being hugely superior to mastering a given curriculum
- Developing and nurturing your creative capacities
- Developing the ability to think rationally and critically (to evaluate what you see and hear and read and separate truth from non-truths, for example)
- Developing the tendency to think critically
- Developing critical literacy (which requires both academic knowledge, creative expression, and critical thinking) in non-native places and developing critical literacy in one’s native place (e.g., protecting resources or rebalancing inequalities)
- Developing the ability to think and feel with and alongside others
- Developing and applying critical literacy (i.e., to do good work–helping people, restoring places, promoting equitable well-being, etc., which requires the ability to think and feel with and alongside others) in service of a given place and its people
- Developing the ability to ask and think about ‘great questions’ through sustained inquiry and curiosity
- Developing the ability to think (which requires critical literacy as well as the ability to ask great questions) and work with the people and places of a connected world
- Developing the tendency to work well (which requires critical literacy, empathy, and affection) with the people and places of a connected world
- Developing the cognitive capacity and thinking frameworks and mindsets (which requires wisdom) to wield all the available tools (including technology) and knowledge (including academic, vocational, technological, agrarian, cultural, etc.) to work well in any place with any people in a way that serves the sustainability, quality, and history, and affections of those people and places
- Learning what’s worth learning (for you, in your chosen place) by thinking critically and rationally
- Knowing what to do with what you decided was worth learning
- Developing and applying the critical capacity and tendency for doing what you decide is worth doing with what you decided was worth learning and knowing.
At the end of the day its important to remind your child that education is vital factor in their lives as it inevitably supports them with discovering and developing key skills that will help them flourish in life.
We hope that you all have a safe and restful school holidays and we look forward to another awesome term ahead!
Kind Regards,
Aira Agarano
Engagement and Attendance Officer