Above and Beyond

Learning in 1/2

In 1/2, we have begun our new Faith Based Inquiry topic for term four, ‘Connections’.


Our big question is “What is familiar and different in the ways culturally diverse individuals and families live?”

    Here are some of our wonderings about this topic…













“When did our traditions start and will they end one day?"

“How many countries are my family from?”

“When did my family start?  How far back does my family go?”

“I am wondering what do families from different parts of the world do at Christmas?”

“I wonder what my Great, Great, Great, Great Grandma’s name was?”

“I wonder how often other cultures celebrate special events?”

“I wonder how many different traditions there are in the world?”

We were given the task of researching our family history by making a family tree at home.  We loved finding out about our relatives and where they came from.






We have been doing lots of immersion activities to help our thinking about our new topic. 





 We looked at lots of photos from different cultures and shared 

our ideas about what we thought was happening.

We have been learning a new song about how to say hello in different languages.  

We are looking forward to performing this at assembly later this term.  


We all love learning in 1/2!