Looking After Fabulous You!

There is so much going on in our lives at the moment; the self-isolation, online learning, changes at home, the Victorian stats, and the wonderings about what is next… so many things we have little or no control over. But there is something that we do have control over, and that is to be able to take care of ourselves. And did you know that no one does this job better than you! By looking after yourself, you reap great rewards; you feel better, you have more energy to take on whatever the day brings, you can focus and think clearer, and you feel more positive, and at peace with the world….nice!


Looking after ourselves is often the first thing that gets forgotten when life is stressful, and we get busy dealing with all the change that is going on around us. Some people even think that taking time for themselves is indulgent. But looking after your wellbeing will help you get through this challenging time and will help you to better care for others around you—the two most important things we need to focus on right now.


Taking care of yourself refers to the activities that we deliberately choose to do regularly to enhance our emotional, social, and physical health.


Because we know that for some of you looking after yourself is a bit down on your list of priorities, we have set out to make this easier for you and are inviting you and your family to join the wellbeing with 65 Wattle Co-Connect Program.  



The Wellbeing with 65 Wattle Co-Connect Program has a simple theme each week; last week was all about moving our body more. Something we are tending to do a whole lot less of at the moment, going from bed to bathroom, to fridge, to desk, on repeat throughout the day. So, to get your heart pumping, check out the Move your Body site, where you will find many choices for you.


This week is all about calming our minds: resting, resetting, and rejuvenating our minds is something every one of us needs. Here is where you will find this week’s information on being calm.


Lastly, there is also the option of joining into 65 Wattle’s Morning meditation, via zoom at 8.15 am until 8.25 am. If you are one of those people that have thought perhaps you should give meditation a go, here is your opportunity. You don’t have to be a part of Wellbeing with 65 Wattle, and there is also no need to turn on your mike or video, just come and then leave as you like.


Caring for yourself is something that needs to be a part of your every day. And if there was the perfect time to make it one of your top priorities, it is now. Do it, and have fun!


Mrs Alli Williams

School Nurse 

65 Wattle