PFA News

Dear Families, 


We have two upcoming fundraisers for our schooling community to be involved with. 


Newlands Read-a-thon

Read-a-thon: 18th September - 5th October 2020


It's Newlands Read-a-thon time!


Read some books and raise money for the Newlands PS library!


Try to read as many books as you can, or for as long as you can, and ask your

family and friends to sponsor you. Everyone will receive a certificate, and prizes will

be awarded to top readers at our Book Week Parade on Friday 23rd October! This

year's Book Week theme is 'Curious Creatures, Wild Minds'.


Grab your tally sheet and sponsor list and get reading from the 18th of September

(last day of Term 3). After the holidays tally up your books and time, and ask your

sponsors to pay up!


Information for Parents:


Encourage your child to read as many books as they can, or spend as much time as

they can reading. It’s a good lock-down holiday activity! Kids can read books of their

choice, audiobooks, anything on Story Box Library, Raz Kids and Bug Club. Reading

to your child also counts towards their total.


If needed help your child fill in the tally sheet with the books read, and chunks of time

spent. Ask friends and family to sponsor the reading, nominating a dollar amount for

time spent reading.


At the end of the read-a-thon, head to the google form to fill in your tally details. Remember to

collect the money from sponsors and deposit into the Newlands bank account with

the description READ-NEW0001 (should be your child’s student code)

At the end of Book Week we’ll have a parade and award the certificates and prizes

to top readers!


For more info head to the Newlands PFA facebook page:

or email


Thank you and happy reading!


A link with access to the forms will be sent out through SENTRAL this weekend



The NEWLANDS Mango Fundraiser