Meet Our Team 

Name: Jacqui Eycken

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Passionate, friendly, dedicated.


What do you like most about your job?

Working with our wonderful staff and students.


Favourite Food:

Anything Asian…. the flavours are amazing!


What book are you currently reading?

A Necessary Evil – Alex Kava


Best holiday spot:

Tuscany…..I’ll get there one day!


Favourite childhood memory:

Family holidays in Rosebud with all of my cousins; we used to get up to so much mischief. 


Funny incident:

As a small child, I lived in Papua New Guinea for 6 weeks. One morning I noticed the kitchen was darker than usual so I went outside to open the blinds, as I went to touch them….THEY FLEW AWAY!! It was the biggest moth I have ever seen and now I am terrified of moths.


Hobbies/ Interests/ Sport:

I love reading, dancing and spending time with family and friends.


Best personality trait:



Worst personality trait:

Just a little bit OCD.


Best film:

Oh, I can’t pick just one! All of the Harry Potter films and the current Marvel Universe (except Avengers – Infinity War, that one made me cry).


Favourite television show:
