School Report 

Remote Learning Update

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a world we could never have imagined.

Over the past few months, we have heard the term ‘the new normal’ so many times, it is sometimes difficult to understand what it might mean. For students undertaking remote learning at home, the ‘new normal’ is all about the new routines and expectations that help ensure all our children are continuing to learn and grow.

However, while we know that this school year has not been ‘normal’ schooling in its traditional form, there are many positives that we can take away. In partnership, we are building our students’ resilience, independence and teaching values in ways we may never get the chance to again. As a school community, we hope that the young people our students develop into, as a result of these times, will be stronger, accepting of difference, more adaptable and ready to take on the world in ways we didn’t know or think were possible.

So, amidst all the chaos, insecurity and anguish, what are the good things that are occurring for you and your family? We know that even in difficult times, good things happen. It’s these things / events which are sometimes hard to identify and often fleeting, that will become memories of our lives. We absolutely need to search these moments out and celebrate them! We'd like to challenge you to pause amidst the madness and reflect on these positives. As part of our work in the well-being space, this is a question we are also asking your children, in an effort to help them regularly reflect on the fun and joy in their world. We all know that Launch Kids are positive and this of course, leads to increased resilience. 

Growing Independent Learners

We are all keen for students to do well at school and complete their tasks to the best of their abilities. To ensure children continue to build their skills and grow as learners, it is important that as much of their work as possible, is completed independently. This means letting children make the mistakes they can learn from. Allowing students to learn from mistakes also helps each teacher gauge where the next step in learning needs to occur. Thank you to all our parents and carers who are providing high levels of direction, support and encouragement to our young learners.

Kindness and its Impact on Well-being

There are many ways that we can build and sustain our well-being in these challenging times. You might think straight away that meditation, exercise or just enjoying something you love like singing, reading or kicking the footy around is the trick to maintaining your well-being - and you’d be right! Taking time to reflect and think about how to nurture our own needs are important steps in managing our well-being.

However, as we continue to navigate a path through the many setbacks we’ve faced since the start of the pandemic, it might surprise you to know that feeling well and happy can be boosted by doing things for others. Have you heard of the expression 'random acts of kindness'? Being kind, giving care, support and comfort to someone else actually brings great benefits to the giver.

Why not plan some small things you could do to boost the happiness of someone as a way of keeping yourself strong, resilient and happy? It’s the gift that gives twice!

LEGO Challenge

Each week the LEGO Discovery channel has a live build lesson on Tuesday and Sunday and publishes an activity pack with fun instructions, games, activities and word searches. You can see all the older packs and ideas by clicking on the following link:

It is a wonderful, interactive and engaging site.

Teacher Professional Practice Days

As part of the Victorian Government School’s Agreement teachers have pupil-free days to complete activities related to their work such as professional development webinars, assessment, planning and curriculum development. On Friday 11th September our teachers will have a Professional Practice day. Classroom teachers will not set lessons or be available to be contacted. Teachers will provide an outline of the day for students to complete some special 'off-screen' activities.  It will also provide a great opportunity for students to ‘catch up’ on work.

Return to School

At this stage there has not been any advice from the Department of Education and Training regarding a return to school for our students. The lessening of new COVID-19 cases is encouraging and we all hope that there is an end in sight for Stage 4 restrictions. As soon as we have official notification from the Department we will communicate any changes to the school community. Please ensure that the school has your correct email address and that you can log onto Compass  so you do not miss out on any important information.

RUOK? Day 2020 - September 10th

R U OK?Day is Thursday 10th September 2020. It’s our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” if someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs.  2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us. 

Hats on from September 

Just a reminder for families that students need to wear hats when outside as per our Sun Smart Policy from September. This means students who attend onsite learning must have their hat. It’s also a good reminder and habit for children at home to wear a hat when playing outside. We also encourage all families to look for their child’s LPPS Sun Smart hat in preparation for returning to school.  Please note that your child must have their LPPS hat when at school. No other hats can be worn.

From the Office

Parent Occupations: Please remember to notify the school if there is a change to your occupation status. To maximise the benefits to both families and the school it is vital that all families notify the school if there is a change. If you become unemployed, change your job title or return to work please notify the school office by phone or email. Thank you.

Father's Day

We would like to wish all of our Dads and Mates a fantastic Father's day on Sunday.  Have a great day doing what you like!

A Final Word

We learnt in term 2 that high doses of co-operation, kindness, compassion, patience, flexibility and humour were essential to get us all through this together and we are pleased to report there has been no shortage of these essential ingredients on display in and around LPPS in term 3. Well done everyone!


Launching Place Primary School Staff