
Healthy Bones Week

You are never too young – or old- to act when it comes to protecting your bones.


No matter what your age, actions can be taken to help your body build and maintain strong bones. It starts in childhood, this is the biggest opportunity to lay the foundation to build strong bones for life. The teenage years area a major growth period because at this time teens ’bodies build one-quarter of their adult bone mass. Peak bone mass is reached when you’re in your late twenties, and, after this it is vital to continue to get adequate calcium, exercise and vitamin D in order to maintain the bone you have built.


Healthy Bones Action week calls on Australians of all ages to take the three actions to build and maintain health bones:

  1. Increase daily serves of calcium through milk, cheese or yoghurt;
  2. Go for a walk or committing to some new form of regular exercise; and
  3. Spend time outdoors to get more vitamin D.

For more information visit:


Jenny Hill

College Nurse








Reference: Dairy Australia