All articles published week beginning  7 September 2020

Year 7

Establishing and practicing positive behaviours is one of the most important things that we can foster in our students. Such behaviours include being friendly and considerate to others, being kind and caring and being trustworthy, honest and fair.


Over the past fortnight, we have witnessed many occasions where students have displayed the above traits. However, there is always room for improvement.


Some of the identified areas of concern for students to focus on for the remainder of the term include:


Appropriate use of IT - Laptop computers are for educational purposes only NOT games or videos during school or study hours.


Efficient use of class time – 10 minutes of ineffective class time soon adds up (6 periods per day x 10min) equates to an hour of lost learning time per day.


Allowing others to learn – Your actions in the classroom can negatively impact another student’s ability to learn. Students need to be considerate of other students right to learn.


Leadership is serving others

This term, our Wellbeing time has been well spent organising activities in groups, within Homerooms. Some of the activities organised were Kahoots, Handball competitions, Pizza lunches, Slushies, a games day and Celebrity Heads. Miss Kelly and I have been really impressed by the wide variety of tasks and the leadership of every student within their Homeroom setting. This week the students have shifted their focus toward providing a small gift/card for the Year 12 students as they prepare to graduate from the College. 


Compass access

As partners in your child's education, we encourage you to engage with Compass; this will give you the ability to see all commendations, reports, permission notes, absences and daily News feed items. Further information on accessing Compass can be found at the College website under the ‘For Parents’ – Parent portal tab. Or go to this link https://trac-nsw.compass.education/


If you would like more information about accessing the Compass Parent portal please contact the College on 0269 331811 or via email: Office@trac.nsw.edu.au

Justin Buckley | Acting Leader of Wellbeing - Year 7 

Fox and Stanley House 

Lauren Kelly | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 7 

Browning and Sheppard House 

Year 8

Welcome to the Week 8 edition of our Year 8 report for Term 3.


It is amazing what a difference a little bit of sunshine makes. What a glorious week of weather we have been having and, in general, the positive attitude of our Year 8s has reflected this change too. I have so far been pleased with the continued effort and application of our students, especially after deciding which subjects they would/would not like to continue in Stage 5. I would encourage them all to continue to apply themselves across all areas of College life, as before we know it the Christmas holidays will be upon us. 


This past fortnight we have continued our focus during wellbeing time on Mental Health. The cohort have been accessing the resources from Black Dog Institute (which can be found here https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/education-services/talking-about-mental-illness/), with focuses on awareness, support networks and accessing support. We worked through a module from Reach Out on how to help a friend you are concerned about. The focus of the module was on being a supportive friend, but also knowing that as a child there is only so much support that you are able to provide and that getting an adult or support person involved sooner rather than later is always the best option. We continually reiterated that there is a multitude of staff who the students can speak with if they are worried about themselves or their friends. Similarly, if any of you would like to have a conversation about any particular concern, please don’t hesitate in contacting either of us.  


During Term 4, the process of choosing Year 9 leaders for 2021 will begin. The focus of our wellbeing time will move onto identifying and building upon leadership traits and the idea that everyone has the opportunity to lead, regardless of their position within the school. I will talk with both the Year group and Homeroom teachers about nominating for these positions when the time arises.


I am always happy to discuss your child’s progress via email, phone, or virtually face-to-face. Please contact either Mrs Jenkins or myself if you have any questions or concerns.

Luke Richardson | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 8

Jennifer Jenkins | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing - of Year 8

Year 9

Spring is finally here and students have been able to enjoy the warm weather and outdoor Friday sport. Miss Mattingly and the teachers involved with Friday sport have been working hard to ensure there are fun and physical activities while being unable to attend external facilities.


It was great to see some fun costumes for the TV and Movie Character mufti on Wednesday. The money raised from this day will support the Cancer Council's for Daffodil Day. Thank you to all students for being involved and donating to a great cause. On the subject of good causes, the annual Roesler Shield Basketball match between Year 12 and Year 11 will still be taking place this year. While the three game format has been replaced by a winner takes all, I’m sure Year 9 are keen to see who will take out the honours. Students are encouraged to bring a gold coin donation to the game on Tuesday 22nd September, with all proceeds going to Kidney Health Australia.


A big congratulations to all of those students involved in the CWWSSA competitions recently. The girls were unlucky to go down to Kildare at the Tracey Gunson Netball grand final on Wednesday. The Carroll Cup AFL boys are through to the Grand Final and the Girls’ and Boys’ Hockey teams are still competing in the round games. You can read about this on the Sports page.


There have been a number of assessment tasks due recently. Students have handled these well and I am sure they are all looking forward to the upcoming holidays - a chance to unwind and relax.


If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Emma Smith | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 9

Issac Mannion | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 9

Year 10

As the term winds down our Year group most definitely have not. We have so many amazing students who have continued to adapt to COVID restrictions and use different means to remain engaged, entertained and challenged. 


This fortnight alone saw students enter university competitions with videos and proposals, we have students participating in mock trial online, Tracey Gunson Netball, Hockey and Carroll Cup football to name a few exciting activities. Other students have taken the opportunity to gain employment and essential skills out in the workforce, which will, undoubtedly, assist with a future job opportunity. It has been a delightful experience to be a referee for many students applying for their jobs. 


Year 10 have continued to enjoy Friday afternoon sport and co-curricular activities despite being limited to on-site activities. 

Meegan Johnson | Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 10

Trevor Dawson | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 10

Year 11

College Leaders

Congratulations to all the Year 12 2021 Leaders of the College. As previously stated I am extremely proud of the team and have total confidence in their ability to lead the College in 2021. 



During the examination period, students are expected to be in full school uniform. PE uniform is only permitted on Fridays. Also, students who do not have an examination on a particular day are not required to be at school. Apart from the expected touch of nervous energy before an exam, Year 11 have handled the first week very well even if that is not always the case at home. If your child needs additional support throughout this process, please contact us.


Roesler Shield

I am very excited to announce that the Year 11 students will participate in the traditional Roesler Shield on Tuesday 22 September. They will compete with Year 12 for the prestigious title. The basketball game will be played on the outside courts at lunchtime. Younger Year groups will have the opportunity to watch the game for a gold coin donation. All proceeds will go to The Kidney Foundation. It will be a very interesting game.


Until next time...

Amall Liakatos | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 11

Kelly Bowen | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing - of Year 11

Year 12

Spring has sprung with lots of sunshine bringing out the blossoms and the added bonus of the Premier announcing formals can go ahead in Term 4. A nice bit of news as we round out the final term at school.


I’ve recently started reading a book called The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, an anthem to slowing down in life and ensuring the most important things - relationships, doing good for others, and adequate mental and physical rest, are not drowned out by the busyness of life. The book’s tagline “How to stay emotionally and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world” says it all. The author’s prescriptive look at eliminating hurry is based on spending time each week in solitude and silence, adequately resting (no work at all!) for a 24 hour Sabbath period once a week, minimalist simplification of life through decluttering both the material and immaterial hoarding in our lives, and just adopting a general and deliberate slowness to life to appreciate and be grateful for the things we have.


Silence, solitude, Sabbath, simplicity and slow seem like a good antidote to balance out the next couple of months of study, stress, sleeplessness, and scurrying as Year 12 finish school and exams commence.


For the penultimate time.


Dane Fuller | Leader of Wellbeing - 12

Kim Kjaer | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing - 12