S.W.P.B Update
Next week's value is: Inclusion
Next week's behaviour focus is:
I will encourage others to succeed.
Quote of the Week:
“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” -Buddha
R U OK Day
Yesterday was R U OK Day. This is an annual day where checking in on someone's wellbeing is a point of focus. This initiative is not only to focus on someone's wellbeing on this particular day but to remind us all about the importance of checking in on others on a regular basis.
With the current times we are experiencing, this continues to be difficult to navigate for many of us. Support and understanding for each other could not be of higher priority as it is now. Be sure to check in with the people around you, are they OK and importantly are you OK?
Here is a video link for our students to use when checking in on someone they may be worried about. https://youtu.be/KEKhTSagJ3I
If you or someone you know of needs further support beyond the R U OK check in, please
refer to the R U OK website for more services.
Student Action Group Update
Our SAG representatives have been very active in the past couple of weeks hosting a very successful virtual Crazy Hair Day last Friday. Well done to our SAG team who are trying hard to keep up the usual whole school events happening albeit it in a new format, striving to create a sense of community from a distance.
Next Week the SAG will be hosting a Footy Day on the last day of school 18th of September. This will be done via Webex. Be sure to wear your favourite team's footy gear to your morning Webex and sing your favourite footy team song with your classmates. You may even think about setting up a footy obstacle course in the backyard or have hot dogs or meat pies for lunch.