Library News

Important information and news from the NCS Library

Premier's Reading Challenge

The NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2020 has now closed. All students in primary had the opportunity to take part. Our K-2 students all completed the challenge, reading 30+ books selected from the PRC reading List. Class teachers enthusiastically read these books to their students over the 5-month period. Students in Years 3-6 had to read 20+ books independently from the PRC list and complete a reading log. 88 Years 3-6 students completed the challenge and will receive their certificates later in the year. That brought the total of students at NCS to complete the challenge to 206 which is just amazing! This year marks the fourth year of completing the challenge for many NCS students so they will be receiving a special Gold Level certificate. We also awarded some book prizes to each Y3-6 class. 


Don't forget your library bag!

A reminder to parents to please provide a library bag so your child/ren can borrow each week. Students in K-4 must have a library bag, otherwise their books are placed on reserve until they bring in a bag to keep their books protected.

High school news

Since the success of our primary collection being arranged by genre rather than alphabetical order, we have now dived into the exciting task of genrefying our high school collection. With the expert assistance of a retired school librarian who has kindly volunteered her time, we are removing old and damaged books and arranging the remaining books in a more inviting and easier to locate way. As a result, we have many pre-loved books that we are keen to offer at a very low cost, so watch this space for a book sale coming soon. (Money will be donated to our Compassion sponsorship or other charity).

Book Club orders due by 15 September

Scholastic Book Club for Term 3 has recently been sent home with all primary students. All orders and payment must be made online before Monday 15 September then items will be sent to school and distributed to students shortly after that    Thank you to everyone who supports the Scholastic Book Club. A percentage of all purchases goes towards new books for our library.

BORROWBOX eBooks and Audio Books

Student passwords and usernames have been updated to simplify logging in to Borrow Box. Students in Years 4-6 will be given new login details in library classes this week. K-3 student passwords and usernames remain the same. Parents are welcome to contact Mrs Bignell if you require any assistance with the use of Borrow Box from your device at home.