Principal's Report

Mr Rob Bray

Building update

During this past fortnight, I attended a further Project Control Group meeting. This will probably be the last such meeting as I am excited to state that our building program is rapidly nearing completion. I had a further opportunity to tour the site and have included some update photographs for your information.

Lockdown Drill

At NCS, we take the safety of our school community very seriously. For this reason we hold a number of safety drills during the year. This past week we carried out a lockdown drill. This is designed for situations where there is a possible external threat such as an intruder or a potentially dangerous dog. We carefully monitor all aspects of the drill in order to discover any areas where we can further improve our planning.

Tour de Worrigee

This is an annual event at NCS, timed to coincide with the Tour de France bicycle race. Madame Wilkinson’s Year 8 French class participated enthusiastically as they rode their scooters on a circuit around our school. They were also involved in cooking French delicacies and a range of other tasks. I had the opportunity to visit them last Monday as they were about to begin their scooter race. 

Le Tour de Worrigee
Le Tour de Worrigee

Year 9/10 Commerce ‘Shark Tank’ Panel

On Tuesday of this past week, I had the pleasure of being one of three ‘Shark Tank’ Panel members as we observed the presentations by student teams from the Commerce class. Each team thoughtfully presented their business plans and promotional strategies in preparation for the Commerce Market Day to be held during week 2 of next term. Panel members then asked the ‘hard’ questions and we were very impressed as a result of the thoughtful responses that we received. 

Waterworks – NCS Secondary School Fundraising Project

A team of 30 secondary students and staff have been very busy raising funds for the Waterworks appeal. All team members have been required to go without a range of ‘comfort’ drinks (including coffee) for a period of one week. During this time they are to drink only water. The aim is to focus attention on the fact that millions of people around our world do not have access to reliable supplies of safe drinking water. This fundraiser culminated in a 6km team walk around the school on Friday afternoon of this week and I was pleased to be able to join with our team for some of this time. As of Friday, 4 September, the team had raised just under $5200. It is not too late to donate. For more information about this cause and how to donate, please go to 

Prayer for our HSC students

Your continued prayers for our HSC students will be greatly appreciated as the conclusion of their HSC year draws closer. (External HSC examinations commence on 20 October.) On Thursday of this week, all of our HSC Drama students were visited by NESA Examiners who came to our school to assess their Major Individual Performances. Other major works will also be due in the coming weeks.

Class of 2020
Class of 2020

Workplace Health and Safety Committee

I wish to inform all members of our school community that this committee has been meeting very regularly over recent months. One of our major tasks is to carefully review all of our COVID-19 school safety precautions and practices. I am confident that we are responding to any new information received from reputable websites to best ensure the ongoing health and safety of your children.


Psalm 8
For the director of music. According to gittith. A psalm of David.
 Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. 
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

The wisdom of God's Word

 On Friday, 28 August, Mr Petts, our Secondary School Chaplain, presented the devotion. He began by referring to Psalm 8 that focuses on the majesty of God’s creation and I would encourage you to take the time to read this entire psalm. Later, on this same day during our virtual Secondary School Assembly, Mr Petts, went on to explore the topic of ‘suffering’. He acknowledged that God’s original creation was ‘good’ but then stated that there does appear to be a lot of suffering in our world and this is something that we all find to be challenging. He also indicated that Christians are not immune from such suffering and went on to explore in considerable detail, by carefully examining key Bible verses, why suffering exists. Mr Petts concluded by providing us with the encouraging reminder that God will one day end all suffering for those who have put their faith in Him when Jesus returns as we are informed in Revelation chapter 21. I would encourage you to listen to the presentation provided by Mr Petts here. 

Kindergarten 'Crazy Hair' Day

On Friday of this past week, both of our Kindergarten classes came to school with many 'crazy' hairstyles.  This was a wonderful way to celebrate what in many ways has been a somewhat 'crazy' term.   It was very special to be able to celebrate in such a positive way.