Retirement News

Dear Staff, Parents and Children of St Simon’s,
After 29 years as a School Admin Officer, I have decided to retire to pursue the next phase of my life.
I started at St Simon’s as a young mum of two boys aged 5 and 7 working 2 days a week preparing the newsletter. I gradually increased my days as my boys grew up and eventually worked up to fulltime.
Over the years I have seen many changes take place, new technology, new buildings, new Parish Priests and new Principals. I have worked under four Parish Priests, Fr Les Tomlinson, Fr Martin Dixon, Fr James Clark and Fr Kevin Dillon and three Principals, Mrs Judith Frood, Mr Phil Hesse and Mr Tom Wursthorn and have enjoyed working with all of them.
I have seen staff come and go over the years and have formed wonderful life time friendships with some of them and I look forward to catching up with them a lot more in my retirement.
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their kindness, thoughtfulness and friendship which I have been fortunate enough to experience during my time here. I have enjoyed my chats with staff members and parents and I will miss these chats immensely.
I will miss the beautiful faces and smiles of the children at St Simon’s. I have seen many children starting in Prep and graduating in Grade 6 and some of those children are now parents themselves and now enrolling their children at St. Simon’s.
I want to especially thank my work colleague, Anna Morgan for her support and friendship during the twenty years we have worked together.
I look forward to my retirement spending time with my gorgeous new grandson, having catch-ups with friends, going away on more holidays and generally just having the time to enjoy the things I enjoy doing.
Once again, I thank everyone and I will miss you all. Good bye.
Rita Petracca