Office News
Late Attendance
If children arrive at school after 8.50am they must be signed in by their parent and take a Late Pass Card to give to their teacher. Parents can use their smartphone or the Ipad at the front office to do this. If using your smartphone, scan the QR code that says Front Desk. Failure to do this will possibly trigger an SMS to the Parent as an unexplained absence.
Thank you for your co-operation
School Absentee notification
If your child will not be attending school you must notify the office by 9.30am on the day they will be away. The preferred method is to use the Skoolbag App and the eform Absentee Form.
The other method is to ring the school office on 9755 4222 and choose option 1 to leave a message. Please do not send emails to teachers as they may be away or not be able to check their emails before the attendance roll is done.
An SMS will be sent to parents that have not advised the school. This is now a legal requirement.
School Fees 2022
Accounts will be issued in February 2022 and below is the list of school fees for next year.
Please do not pay for any levies until you receive your account next year as we are using a different accounting system that will not process fees in advance.
Those families who prefer to pay by instalments will be able to fill in a payment plan which will be emailed to all families before the end of term.