From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers
Well, this week’s weather has started to warm up slowly, forcing a shift of our Air Conditioning remote controls from the sun to the snowflake! I hope last weekend was a time for families to reconnect with friends and family as the restrictions lessen further across the state.
This week we are very grateful to be able to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for many of our Year 6 students. I have lost count of the number of times we have had to postpone and reschedule these ceremonies, however, I take great delight in the fact that they will be going ahead this week.
Thank you to the Year 6 teachers for their preparatory support of the confirmation candidates and to Hedy Carvalho and the parish admin team who have spent many hours rearranging and organising plans for the ceremonies over the year. We are also appreciative of all the families involved who have worked with us along the way to navigate all of the COVID restrictions and protocols.
School Fees 2022
School fees are a necessary part of supporting Catholic Education for the families of the St Simon the Apostle Parish. The cost of educating your child at St Simon’s is possible by the funding received from State and Federal Governments, however, these grants do not cover the full cost of education and therefore we rely on the contribution that parents make through school fees.
In 2022 there will be 2% increase in school fees. Please view the Office News Section of the newsletter for a detailed breakdown of the fee structure.
Please note the practice of paying the following year's levies in November\December will no longer occur due to a new finance system migration. The school fees accounts will be made available in February 2022.
I am acutely aware of the financial strain that the COVID19 pandemic has placed on families in our community, and I take the opportunity to reiterate the invitation to all school families to contact the school office should there be financial hardship that would prevent your child from receiving a Catholic education.
2022 School Dates
In the Dates To Remember Section of the newsletter, you will find some information regarding dates\times for the new 2022 school year. The camps dates for Years 3-6 have also been included as we know families like to plan ahead.
Prep 2022 Orientation Day
On Wednesday 1st December our newest members of St Simon had their last transition session before beginning Prep in 2022. We also welcomed our parents with a Welcome Morning Tea hosted by the Parents' Association whilst the children attended the school session. As we come out of another year of COVID restrictions, rebuilding community connections has never been more important.
St Simon’s Community Raffle 2021 Raffle
10 DAYS to GO
Ticket purchasing has never been easier!
In the absence of our well known St Simon’s Parish Fete, the Community raffle will still proceed this year as a key fundraising event for our St Simon’s community.
This year the St Simon’s Community Raffle has over $9000 in prizes and it is so simple to enter using an online raffle ticket system. The proceeds of the raffle support the parish and school.
Click here for more information and to purchase tickets online
God bless
Tom Wursthorn