Swimming Squad Trials 2022

St Simon the Apostle Swimming Squad Trials for 2022
In preparation for next year's Inter School Sporting competitions, we will be conducting timed swimming trials on Monday 6th December from 7:00am to 9:00am at Paul Sadler Swimland, Rowville. Unfortunately this is the only time available at Paul Sadler this year for these time trials. Parents are asked to drop their child off at Paul Sadler Swimland, Rowville at 7:00am.
These trials will decide on the composition of our St Simon the Apostle Swimming Squad and students in our squad will compete at the Rowville District Swimming Carnival next year. As this is a competitive event, students attending the trail need to be able to swim a competitive 50m distance with the correct stroke in their selected events.
Under the COVID protocols of Paul Sadler, parents are able to attend and watch the session, keeping within the pool COVID rules. If you wish to take your child from the pool after they have finished their timed swimming stroke, you are welcome to take your child but must sign out with Mr Karl Camerino stating that your child has been taken from Paul Sadler.
An Operoo permission form has been sent out to parents of students who have expressed a strong interest in potential being part of the team. Please read this carefully to know the details of the trials. Parents can select up to four swimming strokes for their child to try out for.
Cost: The cost will be $12.00 per child, Cost includes their entry to the pool and Paul Sadler instructors.
The payment needs to be made as soon as possible, even prior to the event. This needs to be paid in cash in a clearly labelled envelope with your child's name and the event "Swimming Trials 2022". All payments are to handed into Mr Karl Camerino and not to the office or classroom teacher.
The 2022 team will be announced through the school newsletter and sports notice board outside the atrium.
If there are any queries, please feel free to contact me by phone or email.
Thanking you all in anticipation,
Karl Camerino,
Inter School Sports Leader