A Snapshot of Learning Year 6

The teachers in Year 6 this term have organised a number of fun days for the Year 6 students. These days included the Ballarat Camp Day experience, Stringybark Camp Day excursion and an Outdoor Fun Day at the school.
The first fun day was the Outdoor Ed day at the school, where the Year Six students took part in a range of activities. There were various inflatable rides set up around the school such as a drop slide, jumping castle and meltdown ride. Students had a blast!
During our Ballarat Camp Day, the students had the chance to learn through different hands-on experiences about the Gold Rush. Students dressed up in costumes inspired by roles during Victoria’s 1850s Gold Rush heritage. They took part in a range of rotational activities from the time of the Gold Rush. The Year 6 students had fun roleplaying school life back then, playing old fashioned games, learning to sew and making damper. This was a great day for everyone involved.
Finally, the Stringybark Camp Day experience also involved a range of outdoor rotational activities at Stringybark Lodge. Students got to have a go at the giant flying fox and low ropes course. They worked on their navigation skills when rogaining and tested their creative building abilities by attempting to build bridges and rafts. It turned out to be a very adventurous day with lots of laughter!
The Year Sixes have done well to complete classwork and stay up to date with their learning both during remote and onsite learning. We were very happy to be able to give them these fun experiences to end the year. With a few more events coming up, it is sure to be a jam-packed Term Four that the students won’t soon forget!
A special thank you to the Grade 6 teachers!