From the Principal

Matt Dowell


It is hard to believe we are at the end of Week 5 already and that our Year 11's have only 2 weeks of school remaining this term. Although time is quickly running away on us, things are most certainly not slowing down over the next couple of weeks. Our ATAR students prepare for their exams in Week 7, many students are finishing off their First Aid Certificates and complete their harvesting Units of Competency (amongst other Units) on Farm, our students commence their planning, designs and construction of their Year 12 major projects in Trades and all students complete their final assessments in Class during the last week of term. 


We continue to build on our positive culture with upcoming activities such as the staff v students basketball match next Wednesday followed by a Special Dinner for students and staff (Christmas themed) being organised by the incoming Student Council. In Week 7 we have a rewards afternoon at Northam Pool for those who have demonstrated the College values throughout this term, along with the second round of COVID jabs all nicely wound up with our Year 11 Ceremony on the last day of term (26th November). All students will depart for their well deserved break following the Ceremony at 12pm.


On Monday we conducted interviews for the 2022 Head Boy and Head Girl positions. It was fantastic to see all 8 of our Student Councillors put themselves out there and nominate for these important roles. I was blown away by the passion, commitment and leadership that all of the Student Councillors displayed at the interviews. We will announce the 2022 Head Boy/Girl at the Year 11 Ceremony.


This week our College underwent the site visit for our periodical Public School Review. All public schools are required to undertake this self review/audit process. We had two 'reviewers' attend the College on Tuesday to speak with a cross section of staff, students and external community representatives. It is safe to say that the reviewers were suitably impressed with what is on offer at our College, the calibre of programs and staff and our phenomenal, consistent student outcomes for all students. They could clearly see our collective and shared vision moving forward and the importance we place on 'student voice'. This process will directly influence our 2022-2024 Business Plan which I look forward to sharing a final draft with you in early 2022 for feedback.


It is that time of year where we are undergoing recruitment processes for various positions and I am excited to let you know that we are creating a new position for 2022 being a Level 3 Administrator - 'Positive Culture and Wellbeing' Coordinator. This position will increase our capacity to provide additional support to all students and to continue strengthening our positive culture through coordinating engaging activities and events and facilitating respectful relationships, health and wellbeing programs.


Yesterday our Year 12 ATAR students completed their final ATAR WACE exam. I would like to congratulate them all on their dedication to their studies over the last 2 years. Each individual students predicted ATAR is looking fantastic and collectively the median ATAR for this group (based on their predicted ATAR scores) is currently sitting at 67.35 compared to last years median result of 51.55. A true indicator of their work ethic and commitment.


Tomorrow is our Valedictory Ceremony for our Year 12's. I am very much looking forward to celebrating their collective and individual achievements and wishing them well as they take their next big step toward employment, training or university.


All the best for harvest (so far so good at our end)!