Principal's Report

Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers 

Transition (Prep and other)

2022 Prep transition has begun. Transition continues on Tuesday until and including the 7 December when the State-wide Transition Day occurs. All grades, teachers and rooms will be revealed when finalised. There is certainly a ‘buzz/ around the school as we welcome new families and work toward change for 2022. Please, do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions at all. 


Internal Transition for Current and New ETRS students

As part of preparing our students for stepping up into the next year level, we offer 3 transition sessions. The first two sessions will take place on the 23rd and 30th of November for an hour. The final session will be for 2 hours. We encourage any new students who will be attending our school next year to join us on these days. If your family will be joining us next year and you’d like your child to be part of this, please contact the school.



Please provide masks for your children if they are in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6. Students in these year levels are to wear masks at all times when indoors as deemed by the Department of Education & Training and the Health Department. We appreciate your help when protecting each other from COVID 19. Masks are recommended for P – 2 students of which you can support where possible please. ETRS wants to remain open and provide the best education for your children every day, so, it is really important to purchase masks and send it in daily. 


Concerns with Bikes and scooter riders

We are extremely concerned with our start to the day currently. The mornings are seeing a group of Year 4 / 6 students riding dangerously on the road, on the footpaths and in front of moving and stationary cars. There have been near misses in the traffic, residents highlighting the dangerous behaviour and suggesting a bullying type of behaviour including swearing at the community, making threats and inappropriate gestures to others. Staff have communicated with parents / carers in regard to this issue. Police have been notified and yet this behaviour continues. Our school values of respect and responsibility is being compromised. 

Please discuss road safety and responsibilities with your children if they are riding to school. We really encourage independence, activity and want our students to be safe however, we need your support here. A bike helmet is to be worn when riding scooters and bikes. The school has provided helmets where necessary and will continue to do so. Where repeated resistance to wearing a helmet presents, scooters and bikes will remain at school. 



2021 Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony

Moama Bowling Club Wednesday 15th of December.

Welcome to Graduation 2021! What an amazing year it has been and so we are inviting you to attend our Grade 6 Graduation.  Students will be able to arrive at the Moama Bowling Club from 5.30pm. 

Families will be able to have a family photo taken outside the Function Room and then students will enter the Function Room to go through a rehearsal followed by dinner with the teachers.

The cost of Graduation will be $20, which is payable at the school office by Friday 10th December.

Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, we are only allowed a maximum of 2 guests per student inside the Function Room.



5:30pm – Students arrive, and family photo is taken

6pm – Students and Teachers to have a meal together to celebrate their 7 years of Primary School

6:50pm – Doors will open for guests

7pm – Graduation Ceremony will begin

8pm – Graduation will come to a close.


We are looking forward to a fantastic end to what has been an unpredictable school year but we are excited that we can still hold a formal graduation ceremony for our students to end their primary school years.

Any questions or queries, please contact the school.


Narelle Lyons, Zara Pearson, Caitlin Green, Nat Harvey & Brett Mundie


End of Year Celebrations

It is so exciting to know that we can hold end of year celebrations in all classes. Stay tuned for the special events that our children will be involved in. Hopefully we bring smiles to their faces 😊 

ETRS will be holding an ART extravaganza toward the end of the year. Keep an eye out for more information on Class Dojo and Facebook.

In-school (in-house) assemblies have resumed. Students and staff are looking forward to celebrating our successes together once again. Our School Leaders are leading the way! Thank you Norah, Mia, Abbey and Caiden, welcome back to the podium. 


ETRS Wellbeing Vision 


A big thank you to the parents who took the time to fill out the Wellbeing Survey promoted in the previous newsletters and on ClassDojo. The feedback was incredibly valuable and there were so many great ideas put forward. 


Some of the themes that came forward through the responses from our parents and staff included: 

  • Continuing the focus on school values 
  • Greater leadership opportunities 
  • Promote and celebrate diversity 
  • Continue the focus on respectful relationships with a focus on kindness and confidence
  • Continuing to build the communication skills of our students
  • Building confident, engaged students who are inclusive of others
  • Building relationships with others across the school through a whole school buddy system
  • Continuing to build a positive relationship with Echuca Specialist School
  • Developing inquiry based, hands on learning opportunities to support students’ engagement and connection to school. 
  • Creating greater community connections now that Covid restrictions are easing.
  •  Continue to support the development of strong relationships with their peers and teachers. 


At next week’s Student Leadership Council meeting, our students will be asked the same questions and their responses will also be included in the survey, with the intention of implementing these elements in a whole school approach to student wellbeing in 2022. 


New Playground Coming: 


Earlier this year, our school was the successful recipient of a $30,000 Sporting in Schools grant. As a result, the school has decided to install a Ninja Warrior Course early next year. 

All students in the school voted for their favourite design earlier this week. The Ultimate Ninja Warrior Course was decided on by the students at Echuca Twin Rivers School. Student voice has played a major part in deciding what to do with this money and the design that they felt would best suit their needs and interests.


Arrival Times

We'd like to thank our parents for ensuring our students are arriving at school close to 8:30am We appreciate you help with this. The gates are open at 8.30 am where staff are allocated to various supervision points throughout the school. To remain safe and under supervision, please do not arrive at school until 8.30 am.



School Wide Positive Behaviour Update

This Term's Behaviour Focus: 

Our Value focus this term is to re-cap on all Values. 


Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)  


Stay Safe. 

Julie Hommelhoff                   Anthea Mathers

Acting Principal                     Assistant Principal