English News

PESA State Semi Final
On Monday 19 June, five other students and I attended the PESA speaking competition State semi-final along with our supervising teacher, Mr. Ninis. There was a wide variety of speeches, all of which discussed important global and local issues that captured the audience’s attention and brought awareness to neglected problems within our society. Ranging from Islamophobia to the dangers of the beauty industry, all topics were moving and inspired us to bring forth change in our world. There were two sections in the competition, a prepared round and an impromptu round. In the prepared round each of the competitors had a speech they had previously prepared that ran for 6 minutes each. In the impromptu round each speaker had four minutes to prepare a three-minute speech in response to a topic, this time being “Change is good”. All the speakers spoke convincingly and articulately and were well deserving of progressing to the next round however it comes as no surprise to us that both of our students who competed made it to the finals! Corbin Afanasyev and Ananya Srihari did an amazing job representing Nossal at such a huge event and it was a great experience for me to watch them talk about some of the problems in our world. Special thanks to Ms. Faulkner for organising the event and Mr. Ninis for coming along with us to the competition.
by Tiyanie OS4