Learning and Teaching

'Learning is a constant process of discovery.'


What a great way to end our term - sending out students' reports to celebrate their amazing learning and progress! It has been a pleasure to see the range of achievements and level of progress from our students this term.  We look forward to continuing our learning journey next term.

Maths @ Fatima

Just like our students, our teachers also never stop learning. The 3/4 team has been building in exciting 'launches' to Maths lessons. As a result, lots of maths talk has been happening! All ideas are shared, even some misconceptions, and students then given their reasons for their thinking. Here are some examples of prompts that have been used to get ideas flowing! 

A big focus has been on working with students to discuss the success criteria - that is, what students will be able to do, say or record to show that they understand the learning intention of the lesson.  One quick way that students reflect on their learning is to use Marzano's scale to show how well they understood the concept. We have seen students fearlessly giving and accepting feedback, sharing their thinking and challenging one another's reasoning with resilience and confidence - fantastic! Well done all 3/4 students and teachers! 

Our students say...

In Maths we have done projects - Isla

Maths has been amazing! - Maeve

Maths has put me in the learning pit a lot - Zeke

I got really good at Maths - Riley

I improved since last year - Imogen C.

Martie-Daniel likes Roesbud Maths - Martie-Daniel

Our teachers have been co-teaching with Mrs Carr - Hendrix C.



Learning Challenge 

Congratulations to Imogen D. for her terrific entry in the last challenge once again! Look out for more challenges to come next semester. 


Gill Carr

Deputy Principal / Learning and Teaching leader