Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love
Dear Parents/Carers and Friends of St Agatha's Primary School,
Well, it is hard to believe we have completed Term 2 and are half way through the school year. I am immensely proud of all the students thus far and especially proud of our Foundation students who have completed two terms of their formal education. I was informed recently by Miss Baber that the Foundation students will be celebrating Milo the Monkey's birthday very soon in recognition of learning all their sounds! Well done Foundation.
Throughout Term 2, I have conducted the Foundation Interviews for our 2024 cohort of foundation students. I am really looking forward to the transition program that will commence later in the year. Those beautiful 4 and 5 year olds are certainly very excited to begin 'big' school! If you have a child who is due to start school in 2024 and have not yet put your enrolment form in, please contact the office ASAP!
Our new playground has been a hit with all the students from Years 1-6. The students tell me that they enjoy the challenge of the climbing cube and finding different ways to reach the top! Next year, we will invest in replacing the Foundation playground!! Our school is looking great at the moment and we are looking forward to the new prayer garden to be completed over the coming weeks. Thanks to the STAC group for raising the funds to enable this to happen and to Mr Butler and Mrs Howell for their vision and creativity in the planning of the new space.
Last week, I met with the STAC group for morning tea. This was a planned morning tea for our current Foundation parents. At this time, we discussed the ongoing need for more parent volunteers at the school for things like community events (Father's Day Stall etc), canteen helpers, parents assisting at excursions etc. If you would like to be part of the great group of parents who run the STAC group and would like to be involved as a volunteer please let Natalie at the office know. All volunteers do need to have a Working With Children Card and complete a volunteer induction session with Mr Liam Doherty.
Early in Term 3 we will have our mid year Learning Conversations. These learning conversations (parent/teacher interviews) are designed for the teachers and your children to share their learning progress and celebrate the achievements so far. Your children will explain their learning and/or personal/social goals for the remainder of the year. Today the school reports will be available on PAM. If you are unable to access this, please contact the office for assistance.
Congratulations to all the Year Six students who made the Sacrament of Confirmation last Sunday. It was a beautiful Mass led by Bishop Greg. A big thank you to the Year Six teaching team who along with the Parish prepared our students so well for this significant milestone in their Catholic Faith. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and nurture you!
I wish everyone a well earned break and I hope that you all have a safe and fun holiday with your children. We look forward to welcoming you back to school on Tuesday July 11.
Yours in faith
Michelle Bruitzman