School Council President
Save the date for ACPS trivia night - Saturday 9 September
It's been a few years since our school held a social night for adults but I'm very pleased to announce that we have a big one planned for this year. It will be a great occasion to help raise funds for the school but just as importantly, to have fun and get to know other members of the school community better.
We will be sending out more details early next term, but please put Saturday 9 September in your calendar to save the date for a school trivia night. The night will feature a live band, drink sales, optional food hampers for tables, static and live auctions, and of course a chance to show off your trivia knowledge (and dancing skills).
This will be one of our major fundraisers for the year and we are looking for volunteers to help us organise and set up for the evening. Please email if you are able to help in any way.
We will also be looking for items for our auctions so please get in touch if you or someone you know would be interested in donating to help the school.
Big Freeze fundraiser
A huge congratulations and thank-you to everyone involved in the Big Freeze fundraiser to raise money to help fund MND research.
We raised over $600 and I don't think I've ever seen as much enthusiasm from students as when the teachers and Mr Webber were being dunked!
Mrs Callaway's preps were a little worried about her when we reached the $600 mark and her name was called, but she faced her fate bravely and was full of smiles as always.
Community Bank Warrandyte
Mr Webber and I attended the Community Bank Warrandyte's information night on Wednesday where representatives from the Bank explained the upcoming round of grant and sponsorship funding and how past grants have helped our local community so much.
I was pleased to be asked to stand up and give a brief overview of how the Bank has helped our school (and the Warrandyte Netball Club where I am also President) and the broader community.
The Community Bank Warrandyte has been very generous to us over the years, providing grants for projects like our Learning Shack, the oval resurfacing, our theatre lighting upgrade and our riverbed play area (currently in planning stage).
The Bank is only able to support the community when the community supports them, so I'd encourage you to talk to them if you have any financial needs. If you do, please let them know that you are from Andersons Creek Primary School so they know we are supporting them as they support us.
Jimmy Harris