Careers News

Farm Manager Callum Lawson with Tarkyn Dundon.
Farm Manager Callum Lawson with Tarkyn Dundon.

It is Tarkyn Dundon’s dream is to work in the agriculture sector. When a large cattle farming organisation contacted the school looking at the possibility of employing a school-based trainee, Tarkyn quickly arranged his resume and submitted it to the employer, by the following day. A work placement was quickly arranged with the employer which saw Tarkyn work a full week. With the wide variety of farming tasks and skills that Tarkyn experienced, he was now assured his dream of working on a farm was the right choice. He suitably impressed his employer by his efforts, that he was offered the option of continuing his employment as a school-based trainee, registered into a Certificate III in Agriculture. 


With support from his parents, Tarkyn has commenced working each Wednesday, with his training provider delivering his training at the workplace every six weeks. This is a great outcome for Tarkyn with the plan of him hopefully completing this certificate by the end of 2024.  


Rick Hager - Head Start Co-Ordinator