Inclusive Education News

On Thursday 13th July, eight Inclusive Ed students travelled to the Yarra Valley Race Course in Yarra Glen to participate in the State Cross Country. 

Congratulations to all students. 

Lucinda, Mason, Luke, Brax, Cassie, Jaxon and Cooper.
Lucinda, Mason, Luke, Brax, Cassie, Jaxon and Cooper.










On the day that I did cross country I did a warmup lap first before we raced. I walked the track before the race. Cassie

I ran with my friend. I came 4th in my group. Lucinda

I tried my best at cross country. Brax

It was a very muddy track. Some people lost their shoes while they were running with all the mud. Just keep going, push yourself to the limit. Luke D

I liked cross country because it was the best. I liked running. Mason

I liked getting my medal. Iesha

I like cross country as I like running. Cooper

I went with my mum to a park. I did running at cross country. Mummy took me to cross country. I was running, running, running. Jaxon