Principal's Report

Last week our 2023 Naplan data was released.  The way NAPLAN is reported has now changed and from 2023, NAPLAN results are reported against proficiency standards, with student achievement shown against 4 levels of proficiency: Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs additional support. All students in Year 3, 5, 7 & 9 who sat the assessment will receive a hard copy of the report.

Reading a NAPLAN individual student report

The front page of the student report provides general information about the tests and an explanation of how to read the report.

The second and third pages show the student’s result in each assessment area. The results are classified into one of 4 proficiency levels: Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs additional support.

The report shows the student’s achievement against the national average for their year (shown as a black triangle) and the range of achievement for the middle 60% of students in their year level (shown as a light shaded rectangle). Reports in some states and territories also show the school average.

The final page of the report provides a brief summary of the skills typically demonstrated by students at each proficiency level. Longer descriptions of the skills typically demonstrated by a student at each proficiency level can be found at proficiency level descriptions


E Safety

Below I have provided a link to the E safety Commissioner’s website which has some great advice and content for students and parents. As a parent if you want to be up to date regarding the latest apps just click below. Other pages also provide some handy advice on how to report cyberbullying, gaming, privacy etc.


Debbie Oliver - Principal