2023 Timetables

Both the 2023 PLT and Active Supervision timetables have been recently updated and can be accessed using the links below.
Both timetables will be uploaded into Xuno in readiness for the start of the term. Your personalised timetable can be accessed by clicking the timetable link on the left-hand side of your dashboard within Xuno.
As mentioned in Anthony's welcome back message, to support the ongoing construction works, changes have been made to active supervision zones.
Zone changes include:
- The oval zone is divided into 2 sections: Primary (3-6) and Secondary (7-12)
- The Secondary Common Room has moved into the Courtyard Zone
- The Prep Playground Zone has moved to the open area outside the new Primary/Allied Health Building
Based on feedback from staff, we have now created a separate active supervision timetable for adverse weather. In the event of adverse weather, please refer to the second page of the 2023 active supervision timetable for your allocated area.
End of Day Dismissal Processes
SDTP Bus Lines
To ensure the safe and orderly dismissal of students at the end of the day, all students must be in their designated bus line room. This reduces behaviours in the courtyard and outside the 9/10 classrooms and allows us to quickly lock down the school if required. Additional leadership staff have been allocated in these areas to support this. This also speeds up our end of day processes. For our bus routes to run on time and to reduce our families waiting at the super stops, it is important that staff arrive at their bus lines promptly and ensure all students are accounted for. If a student does not present at the bus line it is important to check with the school office. Kathy and Jo will make announcements to call for bus lines as the buses are ready in the bus zone. Multiple buses will fill at the same time through Gates A and B before they are allowed to depart. This ensures child safety. Thank you in advance for your support.
Parent Pick-ups, OSHC and Independent Travellers
For parent/carer pick-ups, it is important that family members are known to the staff at the gate. If the parent/carer is not a regular person who collects a student, staff must direct these adults to the school office where they will contact Parent A or B for authorisation and/or check identification.
It is also important that these students are in the allocated Parent Pick-up rooms to reduce behaviours and in the case of a lockdown.
There are no changes to the dismissal of Independent Travellers. Please ensure only students on the Independent Travel list who have the Independent Travel Contract completed with parent/carer permission leave the school independently. Where a student is considered to be sufficiently mature to leave the school grounds independently (for example secondary students) they are able to do so with valid permission and the knowledge and consent of their parents. Unless otherwise approved by the Principal and the family, students should have completed the Travel Education Framework.
OSHC now meet in the courtyard. This is supported by TheirCare staff. From meeting with TheirCare management last term, any staff member who is also employed by Their Care should arrive at 3:00 pm for their OSHC duties.
Students should not be transitioning before the 2:50 pm dismissal bell. For students who need additional support, ES staff may support them with these transitions.
For further details on the Collection of Students Policy please visit: https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/collection-students/policy