Library and Resource Centre

Maryanne Gustus

As we end the first term of 2023, we Library staff simply wish to offer our gratitude for a wonderful start to the school year.  Oh my goodness it has been so busy, as term 1 always is, but life in the Library has been fun, respectful, industrious and joyous.  Our heartfelt thanks to all staff and students.


I would like to share with you an excerpt taken from a homily given by a favourite human being of mind, Fr. Richard Rohr.  These words relate to this special time around Easter.

Fr. Richard is an American Franciscan priest who has written profusely on Spirituality.  He is the founder of the Centre for Action and Contemplation based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


“Today is the feast of hope, direction, purpose, meaning, and community. We’re all in this together. The cynicism and negativity that our country and many other countries have descended into show a clear example of what happens when people do not have hope. If it’s all hopeless, we individually lose hope too. Easter is an announcement of a common hope. When we sing in the Easter hymn that Christ destroyed death, that means the death of all of us. It’s not just about Jesus; it’s to humanity that God promises, “Life is not ended, it merely changes,” as we say in the funeral liturgy. That’s what happened in Jesus, and that’s what will happen in us. In the end, everything will be all right. History is set on an inherently positive and hopeful tangent.”


If you are curious at all, here is the link to the CAC…..there is much to feed out souls and discover here.

May your Easter time be blessed with Love, just Love.