A Day at Glenroy College

Weekly Structure

Please review the Glenroy Long term Planning document to find information on workforce planning and organisation of teacher work.  


The hours of attendance for teachers each week are:  

  • Monday - 8.40 am to 3.30 pm 
  • Tuesday - 8.40 am to 4.30 pm (including meetings 3.30 to 4.30pm) 
  • Wednesday - 8.40 am to 3.30 pm  
  • Thursday - 8.40 am to 3.30 pm (including meetings 3.30 to 4.30pm) 
  • Friday – 8.40 am to 3.30 pm 

The hours for Education Support are as per their individual arrangements upon employment. 

Daily Times

The usual structure of the day (including bell times) is:  

Office hours  

8:30 am – 4:30 pm 

School hours  

8:55 am – 3:05 pm  

Period 1 

8:55 am – 9:55 am 

Period 2  

9:58 am – 10:58 am 


10:58 am – 11:18 pm 

Period 3 

11:18 pm – 12:18 pm  


12:18 pm – 1:02 pm  

Period 4 

1:02 pm – 2:02 pm  

Period 5 

2:02 pm – 2:05 pm  

Sub School Detentions  

3:10 pm – 4:10 pm 


A school calendar is released at the start of the year and re-released at the start of each term (saved on Teams). This outlines the important dates, events and meetings over each term. All teachers are required to attend 2 x 1-hour meetings each week (pro-rata). Morning briefings are an opportunity for staff to collegiate and communicate, and be informed about operations, events and practices (minutes documented on Teams).  


The usual weekly meeting structure is:  

  • Morning briefing: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:40 am in the Staff Room  
  • Domain Area meetings: Tuesday afternoons 3.30pm - 4.30pm  
  • Whole School Professional Learning Meetings: Thursday afternoons 3.30pm - 4.30pm  
    • Domain A Learning Area Teams: English, Maths, Arts/ Technology  
    • Domain B Learning Area Teams: Humanities, Science, PE/ Health  

Please note: all teachers will be allocated to a Domain A or Domain B team for Domain Area meetings, despite some staff having a teaching load across multiple Domains. You will need to ensure you are kept updated with announcements from all Domain Area teams that you belong to.